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News Archive
Swiss students volunteer on São Miguel
Nov. 15, 2024The São Miguel Environment and Climate Action Service organised an environmental volunteer action in the Sete Cidades Protected …
read moreEuropean Week for Waste Reduction starts tomorrow!
Nov. 15, 2024The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Action, through the Regional Directorate for the Environment and Climate …
read moreGoverno Regional apoia Universidade dos Açores para modernização tecnológica do Observatório da Montanha do Pico
Nov. 15, 2024A Secretaria Regional do Ambiente e Ação Climática formalizou na quinta-feira, no Campus de Ponta Delgada da Universidade …
read moreWork to remove invasive species in Lagoa Rasa
Nov. 13, 2024To preserve one of its target species, the Tarphius floresensis, the LIFE BEETLES project, coordinated by the …
read more2nd edition of the Portuguese Biosphere Reserves Festival – Fajãs de São Jorge Biosphere Reserve
Nov. 13, 2024The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Action presents the video of the 2nd edition of the …
read moreCentro de Interpretação do Vulcão dos Capelinhos integra Rede Nacional de Centros Ciência Viva
Nov. 11, 2024O Secretário Regional do Ambiente e Ação Climática, Alonso Miguel, procedeu hoje, na ilha do Faial, à assinatura …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA joins Escola Básica e Secundária da Graciosa’s ‘Seeds of Hope’ initiative
Nov. 11, 2024As part of the activities for the first day of the 2024/2025 school year, the Graciosa Environment and …
read moreThere is someone new at LIFE SNAILS!
Nov. 8, 2024At the last LIFE SNAILS Scientific Advisors meeting, we had the pleasure of introducing our new Scientific Assistant, …
read morePlano de Investimentos da Secretaria Regional do Ambiente e Ação Climática para 2025 ascende a 33 milhões de euros
Nov. 8, 2024O Secretário Regional do Ambiente e Ação Climática, Alonso Miguel, apresentou, em sede de comissão parlamentar, o Plano …
read moreLaunch of the ‘InovAção Climática’ competition
Nov. 7, 2024The application period runs from 4 December 2024 to 23 February 2025 and can be made using the …
read moreInternational Eco-Schools Day
Nov. 7, 2024Today is International Eco-Schools Day, a date that aims to give international visibility to the work that award-winning …
read moreMonitoring work at Lagoa Rasa
Nov. 6, 2024The nature conservation work carried out by the LIFE BEETLES project in the Lagoa Rasa intervention area on …
read moreGoverno dos Açores inaugura empreitada de construção de bacias de retenção de caudais sólidos em ribeiras da zona sudoeste da ilha Terceira
Nov. 5, 2024O Secretário Regional do Ambiente e Ação Climática, Alonso Miguel, e a Secretária Regional do Turismo, Mobilidade e …
read moreLIFE Portugal Podcast | Episode 2 - ‘Tell me who we are’
Nov. 4, 2024The national capacity-building project for the LIFE Programme, the LIFE CAP PT II project, launches the episode ‘Tell …
read moreLIFE VIDALIA project's areas under maintenance by the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project
Nov. 4, 2024The LIFE VIDALIA project, which the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Action coordinated, was implemented between …
read more4th edition of the “Graciosa – Biosphere Reserve” newsletter
Nov. 3, 2024In celebration of the International Day of Biosphere Reserves, the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Action …
read moreSensibilização Ambiental Escolar para o ano letivo 2024/2025
Oct. 31, 2024O Secretário Regional do Ambiente e Ação Climática, Alonso Miguel, apresentou, esta quarta-feira, a Oferta de Atividades de …
read moreMaintenance work in plantation areas on the island of Flores
Oct. 31, 2024The LIFE BEETLES project has been working to restore habitat areas for the target species Ironclad Beetle in …
read moreLIFE SNAILS - International Conference Neobiota 2024
Oct. 30, 2024The project LIFE SNAILS, coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Action, was present at …
read moreGoverno dos Açores reforça dispositivo de emergência médica com novas viaturas SIV
Oct. 29, 2024A Secretaria Regional do Ambiente e Ação Climática, através do Serviço Regional de Proteção Civil e Bombeiros dos …
read moreConservation work at Lagoa do Fogo
Oct. 29, 2024As part of actions C4.1 - ‘Good practices for the conservation of terrestrial habitats’ and C8.1 - ‘Control …
read moreLIFE SNAILS – Interview with Asas do Atlântico radio station
Oct. 28, 2024The LIFE SNAILS project management team, coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Action, and …
read moreAwareness-raising activities with summer camps on Terceira island
Oct. 25, 2024The LIFE BEETLES project, in partnership with the Olhar Poente Academy, promoted two environmental awareness actions at the …
read moreRegional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Action present at the Mountains for Sustainability workshop
Oct. 25, 2024Os trabalhos pioneiros de conservação em ecossistemas de altitude - Morro Alto e Caldeira Branca, nas Flores - …
read moreLIFE IP CLIMAZ project installs network of agrometeorological stations on São Miguel
Oct. 24, 2024Within the scope of the LIFE IP CLIMAZ project, coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and …
read moreLaunch of the “InovAção Climática” contest
Oct. 24, 2024Today is the International Day Against Climate Change. To mark this day, the Regional Secretariat for the Environment …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA promotes volunteer activity on São Miguel
Oct. 22, 2024At the end of August, students and teachers from the University of Plymouth in the United Kingdom were …
read moreLIFE SNAILS celebrated the 40th anniversary of the Maré de Agosto Festival
Oct. 18, 2024For the third year running, the LIFE SNAILS project was part of the programme of activities at the …
read moreAprovado Plano com 18 milhões de euros para investir na redução e mitigação dos riscos de Inundações e cheias até 2027
Oct. 17, 2024A Assembleia Legislativa da Região Autónoma dos Açores aprovou o Plano de Gestão dos Riscos de Inundações da …
read moreLIFE IP CLIMAZ PROJECT participates in the 27th Meeting of the Graciosa Nature Par Advisory Board
Oct. 17, 2024The LIFE IP CLIMAZ project, coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Action, participated in …
read moreParticipation in the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA and LIFE BEETLES projects in the Regional Meeting of Park Rangers
Oct. 16, 2024The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Action, the coordinating beneficiary of the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA …
read moreNovo Estatuto Social do Bombeiro dos Açores estimula voluntariado e facilita e desonera bombeiros no acesso à reforma antecipada
Oct. 16, 2024O Governo Regional dos Açores viu aprovada, na Assembleia Legislativa da Região Autónoma dos Açores, esta terça-feira, a …
read moreProteção Civil realiza exercício para testar evacuação de freguesia
Oct. 14, 2024A Secretaria Regional do Ambiente e Ação Climática, através do Serviço Regional de Proteção Civil e Bombeiros dos …
read moreSecretaria Regional do Ambiente e Ação Climática promove sessão técnica sobre diretiva INSPIRE nos Açores
Oct. 14, 2024A Secretaria Regional do Ambiente a Ação Climática, departamento do Governo dos Açores com competência em matéria de …
read moreParticipation of the LIFE BEETLES project in CRADS
Oct. 14, 2024The LIFE BEETLES project, coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Action, took part in …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA monitors plantations in Lagoa do Fogo
Oct. 12, 2024As part of action D5.1 ‘Monitoring terrestrial habitats, species and conservation problems’, the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA …
read moreParticipation in the extraordinary meeting of the Regional Council for the Environment and Sustainable Development
Oct. 11, 2024The LIFE SNAILS project, coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Action, took part in …
read moreTraining in first aid and rehabilitation of seabirds
Oct. 10, 2024As part of the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project and the SOS Cagarro Campaign, the Regional Directorate for …
read moreEuropean Week of Sport 2024
Oct. 8, 2024The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Action has accepted the challenge of the Physical Activity and …
read moreGarantidas condições necessárias para aumento dos salários dos bombeiros dos Açores superior a 100 euros mensais na base da carreira
Oct. 3, 2024Decorreu na quarta-feira, em Angra do Heroísmo, a terceira reunião da Comissão Técnica constituída para a atualização da …
read moreProjeto “Aprender a Socorrer” proporciona formação em suporte básico de vida a todos os alunos do 9.º ano dos Açores
Sept. 30, 2024O Serviço Regional de Proteção Civil e Bombeiros dos Açores promoveu um 'mass training' em Suporte Básico de …
read moreSecretaria Regional do Ambiente e Ação Climática lança jogo sobre economia circular nos Açores
Sept. 25, 2024O Secretário Regional do Ambiente e Ação Climática, Alonso Miguel, presidiu hoje ao lançamento e dinamização do jogo …
read moreCongratulations to the Graciosa Biosphere Reserve!
Sept. 18, 2024The island of Graciosa was classified as a ‘Biosphere Reserve’ 17 years ago!
To mark this date, the …
read moreCorvo Biosphere Reserve celebrates its 17th anniversary!
Sept. 18, 2024On the anniversary of the classification of the island of Corvo as a ‘Biosphere Reserve,’ the Regional Secretariat …
read moreGoverno dos Açores reforça Proteção Civil com nova frota de ambulâncias de socorro
Sept. 17, 2024A Secretaria Regional do Ambiente e Ação Climática, através do Serviço Regional de Proteção Civil e Bombeiros dos …
read more15th Azores Waste Week - Registration from 2 September to 6 November 2024
Sept. 17, 2024The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Action, through the Regional Directorate for the Environment and Climate …
read moreAlonso Miguel participou na segunda edição das Jornadas Atlânticas do Turismo em Cabo Verde
Sept. 12, 2024O Secretário Regional do Ambiente e Ação Climática, Alonso Miguel, participou na segunda edição das Jornadas Atlânticas do …
read moreThe Serra de Santa Bárbara Interpretation Centre celebrates its 10th anniversary!
Sept. 3, 2024The Serra de Santa Bárbara Interpretation Centre (CISSB) was inaugurated on 3 September 2014, to be the starting …
read moreFence installed at Lagoa do Fogo viewpoint
Sept. 2, 2024At the end of July, the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project, in collaboration with the São Miguel Environment …
read moreConservation work on the Topo Islet
Aug. 29, 2024At the end of July, the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project, in collaboration with the São Jorge Environment …
read moreLIFE IP CLIMAZ project visits Native Species Forest Nursery
Aug. 28, 2024As part of the celebrations for National Nature Conservation Day, the LIFE IP CLIMAZ project visited the Native …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA participates in CRADS
Aug. 27, 2024The Regional Council for the Environment and Sustainable Development (CRADS) is an advisory body of the regional administration …
read moreLIFE SNAILS project promotes environmental education activities in July
Aug. 26, 2024During July, the LIFE SNAILS project carried out several environmental education initiatives on the island of Santa Maria, …
read moreCongratulations to the Fajã da Caldeira de Santo Cristo Interpretation Centre!
Aug. 25, 2024 read moreAlonso Miguel destaca espírito de missão e prontidão dos bombeiros açorianos no combate a incêndio na Madeira
Aug. 24, 2024O Secretário Regional do Ambiente e Ação Climática, Alonso Miguel, deslocou-se esta manhã ao aeroporto João Paulo II, …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA monitors the nests of the Ilhéu da Praia
Aug. 23, 2024Last July, the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project, in collaboration with the Graciosa Environment and Climate Change Service, …
read moreLIFE IP CLIMAZ attended a CRADS meeting on Terceira island
Aug. 22, 2024On 26 July, the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Action held an extraordinary meeting of the …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA monitors Cory's Shearwater breeding success on Graciosa
Aug. 21, 2024Last July, the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project, in collaboration with the Graciosa Environment and Climate Change Service, …
read moreCongratulations to the Dalberto Pombo Environmental Interpretation Centre for its 15th anniversary!
Aug. 21, 2024 read moreGoverno dos Açores manifesta disponibilidade para auxiliar no combate ao incêndio que assola a Madeira
Aug. 19, 2024Na sequência do incêndio que assola a ilha da Madeira, o Secretário Regional do Ambiente e Ação Climática, …
read moreInternational Bat Night is back!
Aug. 19, 2024Take part in activities dedicated to the only mammal endemic to the Azores, the Azorean Bat (Nyctalus …
read more3rd edition of the Graciosa - Biosphere Reserve newsletter
Aug. 19, 2024The 3rd edition of the Graciosa - Biosphere Reserve newsletter is now available.
Go to https://shorturl.at/kOUJF and keep …
read moreThe new edition of the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA newsletter is available!
Aug. 14, 2024Stay tuned with all the news of this project coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and …
read more"LIFE BEETLES: The Little Big Ones" exhibition installed in Madalena, on Pico
Aug. 9, 2024The macro photography exhibition "LIFE BEETLES: The Little Big Ones", a project of the Regional Secretariat for the …
read moreEnd of the school year marked by the planting of endemic trees
Aug. 8, 2024The school EB/JI de Ribeiras on the island of Pico marked the end of the school year with …
read moreParents and Guardians Association helps build a forest on the island of Pico
Aug. 6, 2024To mark the end of the school year, the Parents and Guardians Association of the EBS of São …
read moreSecretaria Regional do Ambiente e Ação Climática promoveu Encontro Regional dos Vigilantes da Natureza na ilha Terceira
Aug. 1, 2024O Secretário Regional do Ambiente e Ação Climática, Alonso Miguel, assinalou, esta quarta-feira, dia 31 de julho, o …
read moreVisit to the photography exhibition “LIFE BEETLES: The Little Big Ones”
Aug. 1, 2024The LIFE BEETLES project participated in the Eco-School Day celebrations at the São Roque do Pico Primary School, …
read moreWorkshop to build an insect hotel
July 30, 2024Last June was World Environment Day. To mark the occasion, the LIFE BEETLES project, coordinated by the Regional …
read moreTaxa de reciclagem com aumento significativo nos Açores em 2023, sublinha Alonso Miguel
July 30, 2024O Secretário Regional do Ambiente e Ação Climática, Alonso Miguel, procedeu à apresentação pública do relatório do Sistema …
read moreSecretaria Regional do Ambiente e Ação Climática promoveu reunião extraordinária do Conselho Regional do Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Sustentável
July 29, 2024O Secretário Regional do Ambiente e Alterações Climáticas, Alonso Miguel, presidiu, no passado dia 26 de julho, em …
read moreMonitoring conservation work on Graciosa
July 29, 2024Last June, the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project monitored the conservation work carried out on the Praia Islet …
read moreParticipation in the Terceira Nature Park Advisory Board
July 26, 2024Last June, the LIFE BEETLES project, coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Action, took …
read moreLIFE IP AZPORES NATURA, LIFE BEETLES and LIFE SNAILS projects took part in the LEVERs Stakeholders meeting
July 25, 2024Invited by Expolab – Live Science Center, the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA, LIFE BEETLES, and LIFE SNAILS projects, …
read moreLIFE BEETLES promotes environmental awareness activity for families on São Jorge
July 24, 2024The LIFE BEETLES project was at the Family Festival on the island of São Jorge, organising the environmental …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA and LIFE BEETLES reinforce a population of protected species on Pico
July 23, 2024In June, the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA and LIFE BEETLES projects, in cooperation with the Pico Environment and …
read moreLIFE SNAILS – First Zimbral for LIFE Seminar
July 22, 2024The LIFE SNAILS project participated in the first Zimbral for LIFE Seminar, held at the University of Évora. …
read moreNational Nature Conservation Day
July 22, 2024National Nature Conservation Day was created to raise awareness of human action's impacts on the planet. Every year, …
read moreCelebrating World Blood Donor Day
July 19, 2024World Blood Donor Day was celebrated on 14 June. To mark this date, the Terceira Island Blood Donors …
read moreRegional Government promotes new consultation process with Environmental Non-Governmental Organisations
July 19, 2024This Wednesday, the Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Action, Alonso Miguel, began the process of consultation …
read moreNew meteorological station installed in the municipality of Nordeste, São Miguel, as part of LIFE IP CLIMAZ
July 18, 2024Under the LIFE IP CLIMAZ project, the sub-action C11.2 - Increasing coverage and improving the accuracy of climate …
read moreVolunteering on São Miguel with Swiss students
July 18, 2024Students from Switzerland's International School of Zug and Lucern were on the island of São Miguel, volunteering at …
read moreLIFE SNAILS – “O Pré-Escolar sai à rua na Florestal”
July 17, 2024On 17 June, 135 children between the ages of 3 and 6, 25 teachers and assistants from the …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA takes part in the Terceira Nature Park Advisory Board
July 16, 2024In June, the Terceira Nature Park Advisory Board met, and LIFE IP AZORES NATURA, through its manager, was …
read moreParticipation in the 6th Environment Fair in Praia da Vitória, Terceira island
July 15, 2024The LIFE BEETLES project, coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Action, took part in …
read more6th Natural Fibres Festival
July 11, 2024Data: 3 and 4 August
Hora: 10h00 - 16h00
Local: Former Boiler Orchard of Lagoa das Furnas, next …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA marks World Environment Day with boat trip
July 11, 2024To celebrate World Environment Day, an interpretive boat trip was organised on Santa Maria, Graciosa and São Jorge, …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA reinforces the population of rare endemic species on Pico
July 9, 2024As part of Action C3.2 "Implementation of work for the conservation of endemic flora: In-situ conservation", the LIFE …
read moreMonitoring work on plantations on Terceira island
July 8, 2024The LIFE BEETLES project, coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Action, has as one …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA reinforces population of Myosotis azorica on Corvo
July 4, 2024On the island of Corvo, where LIFE IP AZORES NATURA continues to carry out nature conservation work, a …
read moreLIFE IP CLIMAZ project takes part in the meeting of the Terceira Nature Park Advisory Board
July 3, 2024The LIFE IP CLIMAZ project was at the Terceira Nature Park Advisory Board on 14 June, where the …
read moreAlonso Miguel assinalou 20.º aniversário da classificação da Paisagem da Cultura da Vinha da Ilha do Pico pela UNESCO
July 3, 2024O Secretário Regional do Ambiente e Ação Climática, Alonso Miguel, que presidiu na terça-feira à cerimónia de abertura …
read moreAlonso Miguel anuncia renovação da classificação do Geoparque Açores como Geoparque Mundial da UNESCO por mais quatro anos
July 3, 2024O Secretário Regional do Ambiente e Ação Climática, Alonso Miguel, anunciou que o Conselho Global de Geoparques da …
read moreAmplifying endemic populations on Corvo
July 2, 2024Over the last few months, the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project, in collaboration with the Corvo Environment and …
read moreFeeling Pico, feeling the insects
July 1, 2024As part of the Feeling Pico Festival at Lajido de Santa Luzia, on the island of Pico, the …
read moreCongratulations to the Landscape of the Pico Island Vineyard Culture Interpretation Centre!
June 29, 2024 read moreLet's preserve our endemic plants along the paths of Santa Maria
June 28, 2024The systematic clearing of vegetation on roads and paths can threaten endemic plants that are part of the …
read moreLIFE SNAILS participates in the 6th Environmental Fair
June 28, 2024The LIFE SNAILS project actively participated in the 6th edition of the Environment Fair, which took place between …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA takes part in the LIFE Programme workshop on São Miguel
June 28, 2024At the beginning of June, an information session on the LIFE Programme was organised on the island of …
read more20th Anniversary of the Classification of the Landscape of the Pico Island Vineyard Culture as a Protected Landscape Area
June 27, 20242 July
Madalena Library and Auditorium
Free entry
The Landscape of the Pico Island Vineyard Culture …
read moreAzorean Executive begins statutory visit to the island of Flores to demonstrate that "this is the government of doing"
June 26, 2024The President of the Government of the Azores, José Manuel Bolieiro, inaugurated the Waste Processing Centre on the …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA organises an exhibition at Escola Básica e Integrada do Canto da Maia
June 26, 2024Last May, the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project organised the “Together for the Future of Our Natural Heritage” …
read moreEuropean Parks Day marked with action to remove invasive species and plant endemic species
June 25, 2024On 24 May, the Terceira Nature Park celebrated European Parks Day by participating in an environmental volunteer action …
read moreWorld Day to Combat Desertification and Drought
June 17, 2024On World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought, the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Action …
read moreRegional Government activates Legal and Financial Support Scheme for Climate Emergencies following storms in Terceira and São Miguel
June 13, 2024The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Action, Alonso Miguel, announced today that, following the storms that …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA collaborates with the University of the Azores
June 13, 2024During May, the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project, through its manager Diana Pereira, collaborated with the Faculty of …
read moreActivity – Summer Solstice
June 13, 2024On 20 June, the Regional Government of the Azores will celebrate the arrival of summer on the longest …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA participates in the IMPEL Geospatial Intelligence for Environmental Damage Assessment (GIEDA) project workshop
June 11, 2024The Geospatial Intelligence for Environmental Damage Assessment (GIEDA) workshop was held on 18 and 19 April at the …
read moreDisclosure Session and Workshop – LIFE CALL 2024 – 3 June, Ponta Delgada
June 7, 2024Within the scope of the LIFE 21-CAP-PT-LIFE CAP PT II Project – Portugal Capacity Building for Better Use …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA on the Flores Nature Park Advisory Board
June 6, 2024Last April, the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project attended the Flores Nature Park Advisory Board to present the …
read moreRegional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Action marks World Environment Day
June 6, 2024The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Action, Alonso Miguel, marked World Environment Day on Wednesday, June …
read moreAs part of LIFE IP CLIMAZ, DRAAC is recovering, restoring, and stabilising the banks of streams on São Miguel
June 4, 2024As part of sub-action C5.3 - Demonstration project for ecosystem-based adaptation to face extreme climate change, of the …
read moreWorld Energy Day
June 3, 2024A charging point for electric vehicles was inaugurated on Graciosa on 29 May to mark World Energy Day. …
read moreAzores Civil Protection carries out TOURO24 drill on Terceira to test response to seismovolcanic scenario
June 3, 2024The Azores Regional Civil Protection and Fire Service (SRPCBA) will carry out the TOURO24 drill between June 6 …
read moreReinforcement of Asplenium hemionitis in Nordeste
June 3, 2024As part of action C3 – Implementation of pilot projects for the conservation of endemic flora, of the …
read moreThe Lagoa das Sete Cidades Environmental Complex celebrates its 10th anniversary today!
June 1, 2024 read moreInvasive plant removal activity on São Jorge
May 31, 2024Last March, an invasive species removal activity was organised in Ponta dos Rosais, on the island of São …
read moreConservation work on Graciosa in March
May 29, 2024During March, conservation work continued on the island of Graciosa under the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project and …
read more15th Anniversary of the Flores Island Biosphere Reserve
May 29, 2024On 27 May, the Flores Island Biosphere Reserve celebrated its 15th anniversary.
The date was marked in the …
read moreRestoring access to the Aveiro Waterfall on Santa Maria
May 28, 2024The Santa Maria Environment and Climate Change Service, in partnership with the Santo Espírito Parish Council, has rehabilitated …
read moreDRAAC promotes recovery and restoration work on the bank of the Ribeira do Testo on Terceira, as part of the LIFE IP CLIMAZ project
May 28, 2024As part of sub-action C5.3 – Demonstration project of ecosystem-based adaptation to face extreme climate change, the LIFE …
read moreRegional Information Sessions & Workshops | 2024
May 28, 2024Several regional information sessions and hands-on workshops will be held as part of the National Capacity Building Project …
read moreReinforcing endemic populations on São Jorge
May 27, 2024Under Action C3.2 “In-situ conservation” of the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project, 190 individuals of Rumex azoricus …
read moreVolunteering activity on Terceira island plants 160 native trees in a former eucalyptus grove
May 24, 2024The LIFE BEETLES project hosted the Junta de Núcleo da Terceira of the National Scout Corps for a …
read more15th Anniversary of the Flores Island Biosphere Reserve
May 24, 2024The Flores Island Biosphere Reserve celebrates its 15th anniversary on the 27 May!
The island of Flores has …
read moreAlonso Miguel reaffirms commitment to continue promoting “sustainable development” of the Azores
May 24, 2024The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Action, Alonso Miguel, emphasised today that he wants the 2024 …
read moreRegional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Action marks International Day for Biological Diversity
May 24, 2024The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Action, Alonso Miguel, marked the International Day for Biological Diversity …
read moreInstallation of rodent traps on São Jorge
May 23, 2024Rodents pose a significant challenge to the conservation actions implemented by the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project. These …
read moreSpace dedicated to local products with the “Biosfera Açores” brand inaugurated on Graciosa island
May 23, 2024On 3 May, the first space to promote products bearing the “Biosfera Açores” brand was inaugurated in one …
read moreLIFE SNAILS - LIFE Programme and Natura Network Day
May 17, 2024On 21 May, LIFE Programme and Natura 2000 Network Day is celebrated, and LIFE SNAILS will celebrate this …
read moreGlobal Recycling Day
May 17, 2024On this International Recycling Day, the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Action recalls that the electronic …
read moreInternational Day for Biological Diversity
May 17, 202422 May
09h00 – 18h00
Faial Botanic Garden
Free entry
The International Day for Biological Diversity aims …
read moreWe went to show our insects under the magnifying glass to the students of the Basic and Secondary School of Flores
May 16, 2024The LIFE BEETLES project was recently at Basic and Secondary School of Flores to organize three sessions of …
read moreRegional Government distinguishes 44 parish councils with Excellence Award
May 15, 2024The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Action, Alonso Miguel, distinguished this Tuesday 44 Azorean parish councils …
read moreNetworking visit to the LIFE SNAILS project on the island of Santa Maria
May 14, 2024The LIFE BEETLES project visited the LIFE SNAILS project, a nature conservation project dedicated to the conservation of …
read moreAlonso Miguel delivers fire truck tanker to Graciosa Humanitarian Associations of Volunteer Firefighters
May 13, 2024The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Action, Alonso Miguel, presided over the delivery ceremony of a …
read moreRegional Government promotes second edition of Portuguese Biosphere Reserves Festival on São Jorge Island
May 10, 2024The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Action, Alonso Miguel, presided over the opening of the Seminar …
read moreLIFE SNAILS - Cycling Against Invasions
May 9, 2024On 11 May, LIFE SNAILS, coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Action, invites all …
read moreFlores BR – Let’s listen to the Shearwaters
May 8, 2024On 10 May, the Regional Secretariat for the Sea and Fisheries will organize an awareness-raising activity on the …
read moreFlores BR – Along the paths of Flores Biosphere Reserve
May 8, 2024This Saturday, enjoy contact with nature and take part in a circular walking trail in Fajã Grande.
Registrations …
read moreFajãs de São Joge BR – BTT Tour – Serra/Fajã do Ouvidor
May 7, 2024The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Action, in partnership with Dragon Bike, is organising mountain bike …
read moreWe celebrated Easter looking for insects!
May 7, 2024The LIFE BEETLES project, at the invitation of the Parish Council of Prainha, on the island of Pico, …
read moreFajãs de São Jorge BR – Inauguration of the Caminhos das Fontes Walking Trail
May 6, 2024The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Action invites the community to the inauguration of the Caminho …
read moreFlores BR – Extension of the Cine’Eco Seia Festival
May 3, 2024The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Action invites all community to the next session of the …
read moreFlores BR – Market Fair
May 3, 2024The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Action invites you to the Antigo Mercado Municipal (Old Municipal …
read moreFlores BR – Cinema e Gastronomy
May 3, 2024The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Action invites all community to visit the Santa Cruz Cultural …
read moreFajãs de São Jorge BR – Activities Programme
May 2, 2024Check out what activities you can still participate in as part of the Festival of Biosphere Reserves of …
read moreFajãs de São Jorge BR – Guided Tour to Topo Lighthouse
April 30, 2024Enjoy this activity and learn more about Topo Lighthouse, designed by engineer José Joaquim Peres and built in …
read moreFlores BR – Biosphere at the Table
April 30, 2024This edition of the Festival of Biosphere Reserves of Portugal in the Azores has a partnership with local …
read moreFajãs de São Jorge BR – Viola Intemporal Concert
April 30, 2024The official opening session of the 2nd edition of the Festival of Biosphere Reserves of Portugal on São …
read moreRemoval of the alien invasive species Hydrangea macrophylla – Hydrangea, on Lagoa do Caiado, Pico island
April 30, 2024The LIFE BEETLES project, continuing the renaturalization work of an old pasture in Lagoa do Caiado, is removing …
read moreFajãs de São Jorge BR – Official Opening Session
April 29, 2024There are 4 days left until the official opening of the 2nd edition of the Festival of Biosphere Reserves …
read moreFajãs de São Jorge BR – Biosphere at the Table
April 29, 2024This edition of the Festival of Biosphere Reserves of Portugal in the Azores has a partnership with local …
read moreAlonso Miguel congratulates Praia da Vitória firefighters who became national champion
April 26, 2024The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Action, Alonso Miguel, congratulated and awarded a distinction to the …
read moreFlores BR – Activities Programme
April 24, 2024Find out what activities are planned for the 2nd edition of the Festival of Biosphere Reserves of Portugal …
read moreFlores BR – Biosphere Between Islands – Flores/Corvo/Flores
April 24, 2024Start with an adventure on the Azorean sea with the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Action …
read moreLIFE BEETLES welcomes a group of small volunteers on World Tree Day!
April 24, 2024To mark World Tree Day, the LIFE BEETLES project welcomed a group of small volunteers from the “O …
read more“To care, you need to know”, reminds the President of the Government on World Earth Day
April 22, 2024The President of the Regional Government of the Azores, José Manuel Bolieiro, highlighted today, on World Earth Day, …
read moreFajãs de São Jorge BR – Whaling Heritage in the Biosphere Reserve
April 19, 2024The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Action, in partnership with the Velas Nautical Club, invites residents …
read moreGraciosa BR – 4th Tower Challenge
April 19, 2024The Tower Challenge is back!
This event, which promotes the practice of nature sports, consists of climbing the …
read moreFajãs de São Jorge BR – Kayak Tour – Calheta/Baía da Ribeira Seca/Calheta
April 19, 2024The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Action and Discover Experience offer you an adventure in the …
read moreCongratulations to the Terceira Nature Park!
April 19, 2024This Nature Park consists of areas with very diverse characteristics. It displays the largest and most balanced complex …
read moreRegional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Action delivers equipment to firefighters and SIV teams
April 17, 2024The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Action, Alonso Miguel, delivered new extrication equipment to all fire …
read moreDROTRH collaborates with the São Jorge Environment and Climate Action Service to conserve the banks of the Ribeira Seca stream on São Jorge under the LIFE IP CLIMAZ project
April 15, 2024Under sub-action C5.3 - Demonstration project for “Ecosystem-based adaptation” to tackle climate change, of LIFE IP CLIMAZ, the …
read moreNational Air Day
April 12, 2024Air quality monitoring in the Autonomous Region of the Azores is based on two fundamental premises:
- Assessment …
read moreVisit to the facilities of the Regional Directorate of Forest Resources on Santa Maria
April 12, 2024As part of the LIFE SNAILS project, coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Action …
read moreGraciosa RB – Activities Programme
April 12, 2024Graciosa RB – Activities Programme
The entire programme of activities for the Graciosa Island Biosphere Reserve, part of …
read moreLIFE IP CLIMAZ project team receives the fourth project progress monitoring visit
April 11, 2024From 28 February to 1 March this year, the LIFE IP CLIMAZ project team met on the island …
read moreFajãs de São Jorge RB – Espécies Cooking Workshop
April 11, 2024Espécies are a traditional sweet from the island of São Jorge! Participate in this sweet-making workshop and learn …
read moreFajãs de São Jorge RB - Traditional Pottery Workshop
April 10, 2024📝 Mark your calendar!
On 20 and 27 April, from 14h to 18h, traditional pottery workshops …
read moreThe second Festival of Biosphere Reserves of Portugal is coming up!
April 10, 2024The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Action invites all residents and visitors to the Azores’ Biosphere …
read moreVisit by students from the EPROSEC vocational school from the Tourism Information and Animation Technical course to the intervention areas of the LIFE IP CLIMAZ
April 9, 2024On 21 March, the Regional Directorate for Forest Resources received a visit from 21 students and one teacher …
read moreAzorean Government promotes volunteer actin to restore natural habitats at Algar do Carvão and Furnas do Enxofre
April 9, 2024Last Saturday, the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Action, Alonso Miguel, participated in a volunteer initiative …
read moreMonitoring field work
April 5, 2024The LIFE SNAILS team visited the areas where the control and removal of invasive plants and the planting …
read moreStudents from the Forestry and Environmental Resources Technician Course collaborate with the Regional Directorate of Forestry Resources under the LIFE IP CLIMAZ
April 5, 2024The LIFE Programme is a European Union (EU) financial instrument that supports environmental, nature conservation, and climate action …
read moreThe Vulcão dos Capelinhos Natural Monument celebrates its 5th anniversary!
March 27, 2024The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Action promoted a visit to the Capelinhos Volcano Interpretation Centre …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA moves ahead with fencing in Caldeirão do Corvo to preserve wetlands
March 27, 2024As part of Action C4.1 – Good practices for the conservation of terrestrial habitats, of the LIFE …
read moreConservation work continues on the island of Faial
March 26, 2024As part of LIFE IP AZORES NATURA, in collaboration with Faial Environment and Climate Change Service, conservation work …
read more6th monitoring visit of the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project
March 25, 2024The 6th monitoring visit of the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project took place on 19, 20 and 21 …
read moreEarth Hour 2024: “Small actions, big impact”
March 23, 2024WWF is making a global appeal for people to unite for the planet by disconnecting from distractions, dedicating …
read moreAlgar do Carvão Natural Monument celebrates its 20th anniversary!
March 23, 2024Today marks the simultaneous anniversary of the Algar do Carvão and Furnas do Enxofre Natural Monuments. With this …
read moreFurnas do Enxofre Natural Monument celebrates its 20th anniversary!
March 23, 2024Today marks the simultaneous anniversary of the Algar do Carvão and Furnas do Enxofre Natural Monuments. With this …
read moreWorld Water Day
March 22, 2024The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Action promotes the treatment of water resources for quality water …
read moreInformal Snail Talks
March 22, 2024On 21 February, LIFE SNAILS, coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Action, held an …
read moreInternational Day of Forests
March 21, 2024In celebration of this event, the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Action promoted activities within the …
read moreConservation works on Ilhéu da Praia
March 21, 2024As part of the conservation work under the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project, which is taking place on …
read moreReinforcement of populations in Lagoa do Canário on the island of São Miguel
March 19, 2024As part of the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project, in partnership with the São Miguel Environment and Climate …
read moreCongratulations to the Fajãs de São Jorge Biosphere Reserve!
March 19, 2024On the anniversary of the Fajãs de São Jorge Biosphere Reserve, the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and …
read moreRemoval of invasive species and planting of endemic species at Areal de Santa Bárbara
March 15, 2024In collaboration with Escola Secundária da Ribeira Grande, LIFE IP AZORES NATURA, coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for …
read moreClimate action, circular economy, and safeguarding populations are priorities for the Government of the Azores – Alonso Miguel
March 15, 2024The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Action, Alonso Miguel, presented his department's priorities today in the …
read moreInterview with Radio Santa Maria – Asas do Atlântico
March 14, 2024LIFE SNAILS and LIFE Beetles, coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Action, as well …
read moreExpedition to Santa Maria
March 11, 2024It is with great satisfaction that LIFE SNAILS, coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate …
read moreCongratulations to the Pico Mountain Nature Reserve!
March 8, 2024The conquest of climbing Portugal’s highest peak is on the check-lists of most adventurers.
The imposing Pico Mountain, …
read moreCongratulation to the Caldeira do Faial Nature Reserve!
March 7, 2024Caldeira do Faial covers seven of the nine priority habitats in the Azores and two-thirds of the endemic …
read moreProjeto LIFE – Perguntas Frequentes
March 5, 2024Tem dúvidas em relação ao projeto LIFE? Aceda às perguntas frequentes (FAQ) em https://bit.ly/3uRFyd9 e esclareça as suas …
read moreVisit by students from Galicia's Forestry and Natural Environment Management Vocational School to the LIFE IP CLIMAZ project’s intervention areas
March 4, 2024Since 2022, the Regional Directorate for Forest Resources has entered into internship agreements under the ERASMUS+ programme with …
read moreSlope stabilisation work on the island of Flores is well underway
Feb. 29, 2024One of the aims of the LIFE BEETLES project, coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and …
read moreConservation work in Caveiro, Pico island
Feb. 27, 2024During February, the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project, in collaboration with the Pico Environment and Climate Change Service, …
read moreWhere do insects go in winter?
Feb. 22, 2024As temperatures drop and winter sets in, we often notice that the number of small flying and crawling …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA promotes basic and advanced chainsaw operator and working at height training courses for teams of field workers
Feb. 21, 2024As part of action C2.1 - Internal Capacity Building, the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project organised basic and …
read morePlanting of native species in the Sete Cidades Lake
Feb. 19, 2024At the beginning of February, around 25 specimens of Azorean Chervil (Chaerophyllum azoricum) were planted, reinforcing …
read moreLIFE BEETLES project takes part in children's Carnival parade on Pico island
Feb. 16, 2024On 9 February, the LIFE BEETLES project took part in the Carnival parade at Escola Primária e Secundária …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA promotes a drone piloting and image processing course for Park Rangers and Technicians
Feb. 15, 2024As part of action C2.1 - Internal training, the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project organised a course on …
read moreIt's Carnival, nobody takes it the wrong way!
Feb. 13, 2024Did you know that insects also have disguises? Today the LIFE BEETLES, a project coordinated by the Regional …
read moreNational Park Rangers Day
Feb. 2, 2024On this National Park Rangers Day, the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change wishes to …
read moreWorld Wetlands Day
Feb. 2, 2024More than 50% of the world's freshwater wetlands are peatlands, ecosystems formed by the accumulation of organic matter …
read moreConservation work continues on São Miguel
Jan. 26, 2024As part of action C3.2 – In-situ conservation of the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project, a team of …
read moreThe new edition of the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA newsletter is available!
Jan. 23, 2024Stay tuned with all the news of this project coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and …
read moreLIFE SNAILS in the annual Pingo de Lava!
Jan. 23, 2024LIFE SNAILS in the annual Pingo de Lava!
It is with great enthusiasm and satisfaction that we …
read moreRemoval of the invasive species Pennisetum villosum on Santa Maria
Jan. 22, 2024As part of action C8.1 “Control and eradication of invasive alien species (IAS) of flora in terrestrial habitats” …
read morePortugal's Biosphere Reserves featured on RTP
Jan. 19, 2024This Saturday, 20 January, at 17h30, the documentary series "Reservas da Biosfera Portuguesas" premieres and will be broadcast …
read moreLIFE SNAILS survey
Jan. 19, 2024The LIFE SNAILS project, coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, is promoting a …
read moreCelebration of Native Forest Day in Caveiro on the island of Pico
Jan. 18, 2024As part of action C4.1 "Good practices for the conservation of terrestrial habitats" of the LIFE IP AZORES …
read moreLIFE SNAILS promotes the annual Advisory Board
Jan. 17, 2024The LIFE SNAILS project, coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, held its annual …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA analyses actions implemented at the Santa Maria Nature Park Advisory Board
Jan. 15, 2024This project, coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, was present at the Advisory …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA takes part in Macaronesia Biogeographical Seminar
Jan. 11, 2024Last November, the 2nd Macaronesia Biogeographical Seminar was held on the island of Terceira, hosted by the Regional …
read moreProvision of School Environmental Awareness Activities 2023/24
Jan. 10, 2024Provision of School Environmental Awareness Activities 2023/24
Have you heard about LIFE SNAILS' new educational programme?
Come and …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA presents poster at SPEA's 11th Ornithology Congress
Jan. 9, 2024The 11th SPEA Ornithology Congress & 2nd Macaronesian Ornithology Days took place from 22 to 26 November in …
read moreDROTRH carries out fieldwork in priority areas for geomorphological risk monitoring under the LIFE IP CLIMAZ
Jan. 5, 2024Over the past year, within the scope of sub-action 2.1 - Monitoring Landslide Risks and Early Warning in …
read moreThe work is progressing!
Jan. 3, 2024The work of controlling and planting endemic plants continues in the LIFE SNAILS intervention areas!
This practical action …
read moreRegional Directorate for Forest Resources organises in-house training sessions on "Operating Chainsaws Safely" under the LIFE19 IPC/PT/000004 - LIFE IP CLIMAZ project
Dec. 29, 2023Last September, as part of the LIFE IP CLIMAZ project, coordinated by the Secretariat for the Environment and …
read moreLIFE BEETLES takes part in the XII European Congress of Entomology
Dec. 28, 2023The LIFE BEETLES project took part in the XII European Congress of Entomology (ECE), which took place in …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA organises an exhibition on natural heritage at CALSC
Dec. 28, 2023Last October, the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project, coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate …
read moreLIFE SNAILS monitoring equipment
Dec. 27, 2023The monitoring process in the LIFE SNAILS intervention areas has become more robust with the deployment of equipment …
read moreAll Environmental Centres Closed
Dec. 22, 2023The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change informs that the environmental centres under its responsibility will …
read moreRegional Government delivered equipment for maintenance and cleaning of public spaces as part of "Eco-Parish" programme
Dec. 21, 2023The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change has awarded 138 pieces of equipment for the cleaning …
read moreSigning of a contract to provide charging points for electric vehicles under the LIFE IP CLIMAZ project
Dec. 21, 2023The Government of the Azores has granted 29 public charging points for electric vehicles to the municipalities on …
read moreYou can still visit the “LIFE BEETLES: Big Little Ones” exhibition in Paul da Praia, Terceira island!
Dec. 21, 2023The macro-photography exhibition “LIFE BEETLES: Big Little Ones” aims to encourage the public to get to know the …
read moreTraining session
Dec. 20, 2023In an educational and practical effort, LIFE SNAILS organized a training session for all the technicians at the …
read moreLIFE BEETLES organises volunteer action among SRAAC – Pico teams
Dec. 19, 2023The LIFE BEETLES project organised a volunteer action to plant endemic species in the Lagoa do Caiado.
As …
read moreAzorean Government inaugurates work to upgrade the pedestrian routes in Serra de Santa Bárbara, on Terceira island
Dec. 15, 2023On Thursday, the Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, and the Regional Secretary for …
read moreAction to remove the invasive species Pueraria lobata (kudzu) on São Miguel
Dec. 14, 2023In 2021, an outbreak of Pueraria lobata (kudzu), a climbing plant considered by the IUCN to be one …
read moreLIFE SNAILS on National Geographic!
Dec. 13, 2023LIFE SNAILS on National Geographic!
The LIFE SNAILS project is featured in the November issue of the prestigious …
read moreThe Azorean Government inaugurated the Caldeirinhas Viewpoint visitor support area at Monte da Guia on Faial
Dec. 13, 2023On Tuesday, the Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, and the Regional Secretary for …
read moreControl of Kahili Ginger (Hedychium gardnerianum) on Lagoa Rasa
Dec. 12, 2023The LIFE BEETLES project, promoted by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, has been promoting …
read morePlanting of Euphorbia stygiana at Lagoa do Fogo on São Miguel
Dec. 7, 2023As part of action C3.2 – In-situ conservation of the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project, a team from …
read moreSRAAC promotes in-house training on techniques for using and maintaining hand-held motorised equipment as part of the LIFE IP CLIMAZ project
Dec. 6, 2023Last October, as part of the LIFE IP CLIMAZ project, coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment …
read moreLIFE BEETLES takes part in Pico Nature Park Advisory Board meeting on Pico island
Dec. 5, 2023The LIFE BEETLES project recently took part in the Pico Nature Park Advisory Board, in accordance with Action …
read moreGovernment of the Azores presents the Region's Roadmap for Carbon Neutrality at COP28
Dec. 4, 2023The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, attended the 28th Conference of the Parties …
read moreRegional Directorate for Forest Resources begins work on converting barren pastures into native forest within the scope of the LIFE IP CLIMAZ project
Nov. 30, 2023As a beneficiary of the LIFE IP CLIMAZ project, coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and …
read moreTraining for the region's veterinarians on sea turtles
Nov. 30, 2023Training for the region's veterinarians in primary care, rehabilitation and necropsies of sea turtles, as part of the …
read moreNatural regeneration in the intervention areas of the LIFE BEETLES project
Nov. 28, 2023The LIFE BEETLES project, coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, has as one …
read more#EULife23 call submission results: 653 LIFE project proposals with EUR 3 billion total cost
Nov. 28, 2023The LIFE Programme's 2023 calls have received 653 proposals from across the EU.
The closing date for submitting …
read moreRegional Government promotes 14th Waste Week in the Azores
Nov. 27, 2023The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, as the coordinating entity of the European Week for …
read moreSelf-consumption of electricity
Nov. 24, 2023Awareness-raising session on electricity self-consumption
Session dedicated to technicians working in the field
Sign up for one of …
read moreAzores Government presents Action Plan for Sustainable Tourism in the Lands of Priolo
Nov. 17, 2023The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, through the Regional Directorate for the Environment and Climate …
read moreDia da Floresta Autóctone
Nov. 15, 2023A Secretaria Regional do Ambiente e Alterações Climáticas, através do projeto LIFE BEETLES, comemora o Dia da Floresta …
read moreAzorean Peatlands Seminar
Nov. 15, 2023On 17 November, the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change will host the Azorean Peatlands Seminar …
read moreII Seminário Técnico de Economia Circular
Nov. 13, 202314 de novembro de 2023, NONAGON - Parque de Ciência e Tecnologia de São Miguel
O Governo Regional …
read moreGovernment of the Azores promotes final conference of the Roadmap for Carbon Neutrality of the Azores
Nov. 13, 2023The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonzo Miguel, presided today to the final conference of …
read morePublic information session on the second cycle of the Azores Flood Risk Management Plan
Nov. 13, 2023 read moreMonitoring Azorina vidalii plantations on Graciosa
Nov. 9, 2023In April 2023, a team from Graciosa's Environment and Climate Change Service planted 230 specimens of the endemic …
read moreEucalyptus grove in Furnas do Enxofre gives way to a forest of endemic species with the help of volunteers
Nov. 8, 2023The TER3 – Furnas do Enxofre intervention area of the LIFE BEETLES project was a former eucalyptus production …
read moreEfforts are continuing to control Kahili Ginger and Sweet Pittosporum!
Nov. 7, 2023The largest invasive alien species present in the LIFE SNAILS intervention areas are Pittosporum undulatum and Hedychium gardnerianum …
read moreII Seminário Técnico de Economia Circular
Nov. 6, 2023O Governo Regional dos Açores, através da Secretaria Regional do Ambiente e Alterações Climáticas, promove no dia 14 …
read moreRegional Directorate for Forest Resources organises in-house training session on “Operating Chainsaws Safely” on Terceira
Nov. 6, 2023Between 26 and 29 September, an in-house training course on “Operating Chainsaws Safely” was held on Terceira island …
read moreRoteiro para a Neutralidade Carbónica dos Açores
Nov. 6, 2023Data: 10 de novembro de 2023
Horário: 09h00 – 12h30
Local: Laboratório Regional de Engenharia Civil (LREC), ilha …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA at the Advisory Council of the Pico Nature Park
Nov. 3, 2023On 20 September, the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project, coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and …
read more2nd edition of the “Graciosa – Biosphere Reserve” newsletter
Nov. 3, 2023In celebration of the International Day of Biosphere Reserves, the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change …
read moreLIFE BEETLES holds Advisory Board meeting on Terceira island
Nov. 2, 2023The LIFE BEETLES project, coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, held its annual …
read moreMeet the LIFE SNAILS operational team!
Oct. 31, 2023Have you met the new LIFE SNAILS staff?
Pedro Sousa, Carlos Almeida, Henrique Costa and Hugo Cabral are …
read moreRegional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change joins international project to develop new solutions for protected area management
Oct. 31, 2023The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, recently signed a partnership protocol for nature …
read moreRally paper: discovering the Nature Park
Oct. 30, 2023The Graciosa Nature Park celebrates its 15th anniversary on 5 November with the activity Rally paper: discovering the …
read moreClimate change is one of greatest challenges humanity has ever faced, acknowledges Alonso Miguel
Oct. 26, 2023The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, acknowledged today that climate change "is an …
read moreRegional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change renews Furnas Environmental Interpretation Centre exhibition
Oct. 26, 2023The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, presided over the official opening of the …
read moreRegional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change promotes theoretical and practical training on drone piloting for map production
Oct. 26, 2023The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change organised a practical training session on drone piloting - …
read moreLIFE SNAILS project at the European Researchers' Night
Oct. 25, 2023At the 2023 edition of MacaroNight Azores – European Researchers' Night, an event organized by ExpoLab, the LIFE …
read moreLIFE BEETLES Technical Workshop discusses the importance of species monitoring on Terceira island
Oct. 25, 2023The LIFE BEETLES Technical Workshop took place on 15 September on Terceira island as part of the LIFE …
read moreMeet the speakers of the International Conference on Climate Change
Oct. 23, 2023Get to know the panel of speakers of the International Conference on Climate Change that will take place …
read moreBrigada Noturna – pais e filhos
Oct. 23, 2023A Campanha S.O.S. Cagarro continua a decorrer e a Secretaria Regional do Ambiente e Alterações Climáticas promove mais …
read moreAceite o desafio de outubro: #WhyOverPackaging Challenge
Oct. 20, 2023No mundo atual, orientado para o consumidor, o excesso de embalagens tornou-se um problema generalizado, levando a desperdícios …
read moreInternational Conference on Climate Change
Oct. 19, 2023🗓 25 October 2023
⌚️ 09h00
📌 Coliseu Micaelense, São Miguel island
On 25 October, the Regional Government …
read moreStudents from the University of Plymouth, in the United Kingdom, participate in conservation actions at LIFE IP AZORES NATURA
Oct. 18, 2023At the beginning of September, a group of 24 students and 4 teachers from the University of Plymouth, …
read moreDraft Investment Plan of the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change for 2024 presented to CRADS
Oct. 17, 2023On Monday, the Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, chaired the second ordinary meeting …
read moreRegional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change presents the new Azores Spatial Data Infrastructure Portal (IDE.A)
Oct. 16, 2023The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, presented today the new Azores Spatial Data …
read moreThe SPEA nursery seen by a Common Buzzard
Oct. 11, 2023The aerial photo of the SPEA nursery, a partner in the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project, located on …
read moreLaunch event for the 9 Ilhas Circulares electronic platform
Oct. 10, 2023On 16 October, the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change will host the launch event for …
read moreWorld Animal Day
Oct. 4, 2023On World Animal Day, the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change recalls that the S.O.S. Cagarro …
read moreRegional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change upgrades Pico Mountain geodesic landmark
Oct. 4, 2023The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change recently completed the upgrading of the "Piquinho" geodesic landmark …
read moreFencing in the Caveiro Reserve on Pico island is being continued
Oct. 4, 2023On the plateau of island of Pico, the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project is committed to protecting the …
read moreActivities Schedule – 66th anniversary of the eruption of the Capelinhos Volcano
Sept. 29, 2023To mark the 66th anniversary of the eruption of the Capelinhos Volcano, the Regional Secretariat for the Environment …
read moreInternational Day of Awareness about Food Loss and Waste
Sept. 29, 2023On this day, the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change aims to raise awareness among the …
read moreActivities Schedule – 66th anniversary of the eruption of the Capelinhos Volcano
Sept. 27, 2023To mark the 66th anniversary of the eruption of the Capelinhos Volcano, the Regional Secretariat for the Environment …
read moreAlonso Miguel announces investment of two million euros in equipment for intervention in the Azorean hydrographic network
Sept. 22, 2023The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, has announced that there will be an …
read morePlanting woody species in Mistério da Prainha on the island of Pico
Sept. 19, 2023As part of action C4.1 “Good practices for the conservation of terrestrial habitats” of the LIFE IP …
read moreCongratulations to the Graciosa Biosphere Reserve!
Sept. 18, 2023Remembering is living! And to commemorate the 16th anniversary of Graciosa island's classification as a “Biosphere Reserve”, the …
read moreWe planted 272 Angelica lignescens on Terceira island
Sept. 14, 2023Last July, the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, through the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project, …
read moreGet to know the speakers of the 1st Technical Workshop Técnico of the LIFE BEETLES project
Sept. 12, 2023The topic "The implementation of LIFE projects as a tool for nature conservation in the Azores" will be …
read moreAlonso Miguel visits area where works are underway to restore normality on Sete Cidades Lake shores after August storm
Sept. 11, 2023The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, visited the works underway on the shores …
read moreGet to know the speakers of the 1st Technical Workshop Técnico of the LIFE BEETLES project
Sept. 11, 2023Renowned island researcher Paulo Borges joins the speakers at this workshop on the subject of “A new tool …
read moreTechnicians from the Regional Directorate for Forest Resources (DRRF) take part in the User Conference Pix4D in Madrid (Spain)
Sept. 11, 2023As part of the LIFE IP CLIMAZ project, coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate …
read moreGet to know the speakers of the 1st Technical Workshop Técnico of the LIFE BEETLES project
Sept. 8, 2023Peter J. Stephenson will also be part of the panel of speakers, presenting the topic “Monitoring species for …
read morePlantations monitoring carried out as part of LIFE IP AZORES NATURA
Sept. 8, 2023As part of its conservation actions, the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project frequently monitors plantations at sites where …
read moreEurasian collared dove population control carried out in the Azores
Sept. 7, 2023Following the concerns from various agricultural producers and cooperatives throughout the archipelago, as well as from the Azores …
read moreEnvironment Service cleans up illegal waste dump on Santa Maria
Sept. 7, 2023In recent months, a wave of waste dumping has taken place on private land on Santa Maria. Since …
read moreGet to know the speakers of the 1st Technical Workshop Técnico of the LIFE BEETLES project
Sept. 7, 2023Today, we introduce another of the workshop’s speakers, Antonio Machado, who will be talking about “Nature conservation: nature …
read moreRegional Directorate for Forest Resources promotes internal training within the scope of the LIFE IP CLIMAZ project
Sept. 7, 2023Last May, the Regional Directorate for Forest Resources, within the scope of the LIFE IP CLIMAZ project, organised …
read moreAlonso Miguel visits the Waste Processing Centre on the island of Flores
Sept. 6, 2023This Monday, the Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, visited the Waste Processing Centre …
read moreGet to know the speakers of the 1st Technical Workshop of the LIFE BEETLES project
Sept. 6, 2023We start by introducing you to the biographical note of the who belongs to the project hosting this …
read moreIdentification of a new population of Euphorbia santamariae
Sept. 6, 2023Whilst travelling around the island by boat to carry out a census of terns in June of this …
read moreEcology Day
Sept. 5, 2023On 14 September, we celebrate Ecology Day, and with it, the largest Ecology celebration in national and international …
read moreExceptional closure of the Furnas Monitoring and Research Centre
Sept. 1, 2023The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change informs that the Furnas Monitoring and Research Centre will …
read moreInvolvement of local NGOs contributes to the renaturalization of Lagoa do Caiado
Aug. 31, 2023Establishing partnerships with local NGOs (non-governmental organizations) is necessary, not only to fulfil the project's objectives, but mainly …
read moreCongratulations to the Caldeira Velha Environmental Interpretation Centre for its 10th anniversary!
Aug. 29, 2023Have you ever had the chance to visit this emblematical Centre of the São Miguel Nature Park? With …
read moreThe programme for the 1st Technical Workshop of the LIFE BEETLES project is already available
Aug. 29, 2023The programme for the 1st Technical Workshop of the LIFE BEETLES project is already available
The 1st Technical …
read moreInternational Bat Night
Aug. 28, 2023On this day that marks the importance of this animal on planet Earth, we want to highlight the …
read moreCongratulations to the Fajã da Caldeira de Santo Cristo Interpretation Centre!
Aug. 25, 2023 read moreControl of invasive species in pristine areas successfully carried out on the island of Flores
Aug. 24, 2023The identification and detection of possible outbreaks of invasive species in pristine areas, followed by their control or …
read more14th Azores' Waste Week – Registration from 4 September to 12 November 2023
Aug. 22, 2023The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, through the Regional Directorate for the Environment and Climate …
read moreSession dedicated to the LIFE Clean Energy Transition sub-programme - 5 September, Évora
Aug. 21, 2023The Directorate-General for Energy and Geology (DGEG) and the National Civil Engineering Laboratory (LNEC), in collaboration with the …
read moreLIFE SNAILS at Ciência Viva no Verão
Aug. 18, 2023The 27th Ciência Viva no Verão programme will bring two activities in which the endemic snails of Santa …
read moreConservation work on Terceira is progressing at a good pace
Aug. 18, 2023The intervention areas of the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project, coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment …
read moreLIFE BEETLES project promotes “Insects à Lupa” activity at Regional Pack Camp
Aug. 17, 2023Last July, the VIII ACARAL (Regional Packs Camp) took place on the island of Pico, organized by the …
read moreCongratulations to the Capelinhos Volcano Interpretation Centre for its 15th anniversary!
Aug. 17, 2023 read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA continues the survey of seabirds on Topo Islet, São Jorge
Aug. 16, 2023Within the scope of actions C6.1 – “Restoration of habitats for seabirds on the islets” and D5.1 “Monitoring …
read more“Dobble invasive” is a success in schools in the Azores!
Aug. 14, 2023The LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project, coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, developed …
read moreThe LIFE VIDALIA project ended
Aug. 11, 2023After five years, on 30 June, the LIFE VIDALIA project, coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment …
read moreLIFE BEETLES as an example of a successful application for LIFE Program funds
Aug. 11, 2023The National Capacity Building Project (LIFE CAP PT II - Portugal Capacity Building for Better Use of LIFE …
read moreYou can now report invasive alien species with the iNaturalist application
Aug. 10, 2023Within the scope of Action E5 – “Public engagement and volunteering programme”, the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project …
read moreInstallation of orchards producing endemic woody species by the Regional Directorate for Forestry Resources, within the scope of the LIFE IP CLIMAZ project
Aug. 10, 2023Within the scope of sub-action 8.1 – Increasing the capacity of nurseries of the Regional Directorate of Forestry …
read more1st Renewal Forum of the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism of the Terras do Priolo 2023
Aug. 9, 2023The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change held, on 25 July, the 1st Renewal Forum of …
read moreDissemination Sessions and Workshops – LIFE CALL 2023 – 28, 29 and 30 June, Ponta Delgada, Angra do Heroísmo and Horta
Aug. 8, 2023Under the LIFE Project 21-CAP-PT-LIFE CAP PT II – Portugal Capacity Building for Better Use of LIFE II, …
read morePROJECT LIFE IP CLIMAZ - Meeting of the Advisory Council of Graciosa Island Nature Park
Aug. 7, 2023The LIFE IP CLIMAZ project, coordinated by the Regional Secretariat of Environment and Climate Change, has participated in …
read moreLIFE SNAILS project signage is already in place!
Aug. 7, 2023As part of the communication plan foreseen in action E1, the LIFE SNAILS project installed interpretative panels in …
read moreLIFE SNAILS Project with initial actions in private areas
Aug. 3, 2023The strong regression of suitable habitat for the snail species targeted by the LIFE SNAILS project requires that …
read moreRegional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change identifies a new population of 𝙀𝙪𝙥𝙝𝙤𝙧𝙗𝙞𝙖 𝙨𝙩𝙮𝙜𝙞𝙖𝙣𝙖 ssp. 𝙨𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙖𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙖𝙚 on the island of Santa Maria
Aug. 3, 2023The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, announced, within the framework of the Park …
read moreLIFE SNAILS project: New structures promote the reproduction of native plants in controlled environments
Aug. 1, 2023Provided for in action C.1 and as part of its commitment as associated beneficiary, the Regional Directorate of …
read moreRegional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change marks World Ranger Day with Regional Meeting on Santa Maria
Aug. 1, 2023The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, marked this Monday, July 31, the World …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA carries out conservation work on the islets of Graciosa and Santa Maria
July 31, 2023During the month of June, a team from the Portuguese Society for the Study of Birds (SPEA), in …
read moreAlonso Miguel inaugurates Macrophotography Exhibition of Azorean endemic insects “LIFE BEETLES: Little big ones”
July 31, 2023The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, presided today over the inauguration of the …
read moreNational Nature Conservation Day
July 28, 2023The National Nature Conservation Day was established in Portugal precisely 25 years ago, through the Council of Ministers …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA participates in Training Action of LIFE CAP PT II National Capacity Building Project - Portugal Capacity Building for Better Use of LIFE II
July 28, 2023By the end of June, at São Miguel island, the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project attended the National …
read morePreparation of the Impact Tourism Pilot Program for the Conservation of the target Snails in the LIFE SNAILS Project
July 27, 2023In the last week of June, the team from the associated beneficiary Desafio das Letras (DDL) was on …
read moreLIFE BEETLES Project team of volunteers
July 27, 2023Would you like to join this project's volunteer team and be part of nature conservation actions in your …
read moreExhibition “LIFE BEETLES: Big Little Ones”
July 25, 202328 july | 11 am | Duke of Terceira Garden
The LIFE BEETLES project, coordinated by the Regional …
read moreRegional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change launches open procedure for the study of the invasive alga 𝙍𝙪𝙜𝙪𝙡𝙤𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙮𝙭 𝙤𝙠𝙖𝙢𝙪𝙧𝙖𝙚
July 24, 2023The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change launched last week the open procedure for the conclusion …
read moreAs Terras do Priolo voltam a avaliar resultados e preparar estratégia para os próximos 5 anos
July 24, 2023No próximo dia 25 de julho irá celebrar-se o I Fórum de Renovação da Carta Europeia de Turismo …
read moreAlonso Miguel presided at the Green Key certificate delivery ceremony
July 20, 2023The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, presided this Tuesday at the ceremony for …
read moreV Festival of Natural Fibres
July 19, 2023Day: 5 and 6 August | Time: 10H00 – 16H00 | Location: Antigo Pomar das Caldeiras das Lagoa …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA calls for compliance with the code of conduct for the Azorean trails
July 14, 2023With the onset of summer, outdoor activities are increasingly desirable, and many of us, as well as the …
read moreAzores Seed Bank open to the community - National Nature Conservation Day
July 14, 2023Day: 29 July | Time: [10H30 – 12h30] | Location: Faial Botanic Garden / Azores Seed Bank
On …
July 14, 2023The LIFE BEETLES project, coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, will promote its …
read moreRegional Government of the Azores prepares guide for termite control and starts monitoring action
July 14, 2023 read moreParticipation of the LIFE BEETLES project in the celebration of the Eco-Schools award in São Roque do Pico
July 13, 2023The LIFE BEETLES project participated in the celebration of the 22nd Eco-Schools award winning at the Basic and …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA Management Meeting
July 13, 2023In June, LIFE IP AZORES NATURA gathered its partners for a management meeting with the aim of assessing …
read moreRegional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change grants concession to operate the Porto Pim Beach Bar
July 12, 2023This month, the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change granted the private use of the bar …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA promotes planting of endemic and native species in Lagoa do Fogo
July 12, 2023At the end of June, the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project, coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the …
read moreFencing in the Caiado protected area
July 12, 2023The LIFE BEETLES project recently completed the placement of a fence to exclude cattle in the PIC2 intervention …
read moreDirect seeding assays for pasture renaturalization
July 11, 2023The LIFE BEETLES project carried out a direct seeding assay, in the intervention area adjacent to Lagoa do …
read moreGroup of German students cooperates with LIFE IP AZORES NATURA in São Miguel
July 6, 2023A group of 24 students and 2 German teachers from the University of Applied Forestry Sciences in Rottenburg, …
read moreConsensual solution for accumulated waste on Flores island
July 6, 2023A meeting took place today in Lajes das Flores, which involved the Regional Secretary for the Environment and …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA participates in Eco-Encounters in Faial
July 4, 2023Between June 15 and 16, took place the Eco-Encounters at the Elementary School António José Ávila, in which …
read moreEco-Schools Day at Velas EBS
July 4, 2023At the end of the school year, the Executive Board of Escola Básica e Secundária de Velas, through …
read more19th Anniversary of the Landscape of the Pico Island Vineyard Culture as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, in the category of Cultural Landscape
July 2, 2023 read moreNew developments of Corvo Pilot Action Program
June 28, 2023Under the scope of Action C11 - "Support to the design of a pilot action program for the …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA in the Graciosa Nature Park's Advisory Board
June 26, 2023The LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project, coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for Environment and Climate Change, was present …
read moreReconstruction and maintenance of walls in the intervention areas
June 23, 2023The nature conservation work being carried out in the intervention areas of the LIFE BEETLES project, coordinated by …
read moreRegional Directorate of Forestry Resources promotes internal training action under the framework of LIFE IP CLIMAZ
June 22, 2023Between the 8th and 12th of May, in the context of LIFE IP CLIMAZ project coordinated by the …
read moreReport of the 2022 Regional Information System on Waste reveals positive evolution in waste management in the Azores
June 22, 2023The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, chaired today the public presentation session of …
read moreControl works of invasive flora species in pristine areas of Terceira island
June 21, 2023The habitat improvement for the Ground beetle (Trechus terrabravensis) is one of the main objectives of …
read moreLagoa do Congro trail reopened
June 21, 2023The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change informs that the cleaning and maintenance operations of the …
read moreRegional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change supports the Santa Maria Trail - SMAT 2023
June 21, 2023The Environment and Climate Change Service of the island of Santa Maria is developing an important action to …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA Project provides training course on bird ringing for Nature Watchers teams
June 21, 2023Between May and June this year, the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project, in collaboration with the Regional Secretariat …
read moreLIFE IP CLIMAZ - Second day of the Seminar ''Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change in the Azores''
June 20, 2023In the course of the Seminar ''Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change in the Azores'', promoted by the …
read moreProjeto Capacitação: PONTA DELGADA, ANGRA DO HEROÍSMO e HORTA – Sessões de divulgação e workshops regionais para a call 2023 do Programa LIFE
June 20, 2023A Secretaria Regional do Ambiente e Alterações Climáticas, na qualidade de beneficiário associado do novo Projeto de Capacitação …
read moreLIFE SNAILS promotes activity within the Week of Invasive Species 2023: Portugal and Spain (SEI 2023)
June 20, 2023During the Invasive Species Week 2023: Portugal and Spain (SEI 2023), the Regional Secretariat for Environment and Climate …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA celebrates Children's Day
June 19, 2023Children's Day, commemorated in Portugal on 1 June, was created by the United Nations, with the purpose of …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA participates in the webinar “Management of Invasive Species in Geoparks”
June 16, 2023In May, took place the webinar “Management of Invasive Species in Geoparks”, integrated with the project “Biennium for …
read moreAzores 20+ Waste Prevention and Management Strategic Program approved by Parliament
June 15, 2023The Legislative Assembly of the Autonomous Region of the Azores approved on Wednesday the Strategic Program for the …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA joins the Invasive Species Week 2023 initiative
June 14, 2023In May, took place the Invasive Species Week 2023 initiative, promoted by the Portuguese Network for the Study …
read moreLagoa do Congro Trail Forbidden
June 14, 2023Considering the adverse weather conditions seen in the last week, caused by the passage of the Óscar depression, …
read moreRegional Council for the Environment and Sustainable Development met on Terceira Island
June 13, 2023The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, chaired, in Angra do Heroísmo, an extraordinary …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA installs bat shelters at Faial Botanic Garden in collaboration with APADIF
June 12, 2023In May, a group of users of the Associação de Pais e Amigos dos Deficientes da Ilha do …
read moreDiscovery of new populations of native species targeted by the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project on São Jorge
June 9, 2023As part of Action C3.2 – In-situ conservation of the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project, coordinated by the …
read moreHabitat restoration work at Ilhéu da Vila, Santa Maria
June 7, 2023Under Action C6.1 – Habitat restoration for seabirds of the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project, habitat restoration work …
read moreRegional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change marks World Environment Day with several initiatives on all the islands of the Archipelago
June 5, 2023The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change marked today World Environment Day with initiatives in all …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA visits Fajã dos Cubres intervention area
June 5, 2023During the month of April, the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project, coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the …
read moreRegional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change hosted the partners' meeting of the PLANCLIMAC project
June 2, 2023The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change hosted recently, on the island of São Miguel, the …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA carries out planting of Azorean Fleshy Bishopsweed at Ponta do Castelo, Santa Maria
June 2, 2023As part of Action C3.2 – In-situ conservation of the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project, a group of …
read moreLIFE VIDALIA Final Conference
June 2, 2023LIFE SNAILS was represented by its manager at the LIFE VIDALIA Final Conference on 26 April at the …
read moreAlonso Miguel visited area where habitat recovery and conservation works are underway in Priolo Lands
June 1, 2023The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, visited the Priolo Lands on São Miguel …
read moreFestival of Biosphere Reserves: Marine Activities in Graciosa
May 31, 2023This year the 1ˢᵗ edition of the Festival of Portuguese Biosphere Reserves took place, and the Regional Directorate …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA participates in the Faial Agricultural and Trade Fair
May 26, 2023In early May, the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project was present at the Faial Agricultural and Trade Fair …
read moreFaial ECCS cleans the sand at Porto Pim Beach
May 26, 2023The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, through the Faial Environment and Climate Change Service (ECCS), …
read moreTechnical Horticultural Institute from Belgium collaborates with the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change
May 25, 2023The Santa Maria Environment and Climate Change Service received a group of six students and two teachers from …
read moreEuropean Day of Parks
May 24, 2023Today, 24 May, is the European Day of Parks, a special occasion to recognise and pay tribute to …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA participates in the Final Conference of LIFE VIDALIA
May 24, 2023At the end of April, took place the Final Conference of LIFE VIDALIA, a project that will end …
read more"World Heritage in Portugal" Photography Contest
May 23, 2023The World Heritage Network of Portugal promotes the 1st edition of the "World Heritage in Portugal" Photography Contest …
read moreA exposição itinerante do Projeto INDICIT II chegou aos Açores!
May 23, 2023A Secretaria Regional do Ambiente e Alterações Climáticas tem o prazer de anunciar que, no âmbito do Projeto …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA continues monitoring of seabirds and carries out the first plantings on the Praia Islet, Graciosa
May 22, 2023In the framework of actions C6.1 “Restoration of habitats for seabirds on the islets” and D5.1 “Monitoring of …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA strengthens endemic populations on Faial
May 18, 2023During April, the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project, through Action C3.2 – Ex-situ conservation, reinforced some endemic plant …
read moreFinal Conference of the LIFE VIDALIA project
May 18, 2023The LIFE VIDALIA project, coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, held its final …
read moreRegional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change marks International Recycling Day with awareness-raising actions
May 18, 2023The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change marked International Recycling Day, celebrated yesterday, 17 May, with …
read moreProlongamento do período de discussão pública da proposta de alteração do Plano de Ordenamento da Orla Costeira da Ilha Terceira
May 17, 2023A Secretaria Regional do Ambiente e Alterações Climáticas, através da Direção Regional do Ordenamento do Território e dos …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA promotes planting action at Pico do Carvão, São Miguel
May 16, 2023Following the conservation work carried out by LIFE IP AZORES NATURA at Pico do Carvão, island of São …
read moreField trip of students from the University of Education Karlsruhe
May 15, 2023The LIFE BEETLES project recently received students from the University of Education Karlsruhe, Germany. The visit took place …
read moreLIFE BEETLES receives fourth project progress monitoring visit
May 11, 2023The LIFE BEETLES project team met, on the island of Pico, with the supervisor of the agency NEEMO …
read moreRegional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change chaired the opening session of IMPEL National Network Conference
May 10, 2023The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, chaired today the opening session of the …
read moreFestival of Biosphere Reserves of Portugal
May 10, 2023The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change informs that, due to operational reasons, the activity “ …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA participates in the 1ˢᵗ Festival of Biosphere Reserves
May 10, 2023Last April, the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project participated in the 1st Festival of Portuguese Biosphere Reserves, which …
read moreApplication of Nature-based Solutions on the island of Flores
May 9, 2023The work to control invasive species continues at a good pace in the streams of Lajes das Flores. …
read moreDobble Invasoras Game, from LIFE IP AZORES NATURA, presented during a statutory visit of the Regional Government of the Azores to Corvo
May 8, 2023Following the statutory visit of the Regional Government of the Azores to the island of Corvo, the LIFE …
read moreLIFE VIDALIA in a replication action of the project results on Madeira island
May 8, 2023LIFE VIDALIA, coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, carried out, on 5 and …
read morePlacement of preventive signs in Lagoa do Caiado
May 5, 2023Following the nature conservation work carried out by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, through …
read moreSeminar “Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change in the Azores
May 4, 2023The Seminar “Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change in the Azores” will take place on 16 …
read moreThe Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change promoted the Final Conference of the LIFE VIDALIA project
May 4, 2023The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change promoted the Final Conference of the LIFE VIDALIA project …
read moreThe President of the Government inaugurated the requalification works of Ribeira da Vinha Brava
May 4, 2023The President of the Regional Government of the Azores, José Manuel Bolieiro, inaugurated this week, in Angra do …
read moreFour French students spent three weeks on Flores and Corvo in actions to remove invasive flora
May 4, 2023Under Action E5 - Public engagement and volunteering program, four French students, Les Ami'go of the School TS …
read more“Trio Vidália contra as Invasoras” in the schools of the Triangle
May 3, 2023Students of the 3ʳᵈ and 4ᵗʰ grades from schools on the islands of Faial, Pico and São Jorge …
read more37 parishes were distinguished by the Azorean Government for the care with environmental protection
May 2, 2023The President of the Regional Government of the Azores, José Manuel Bolieiro, together with the Regional Secretary in …
read moreThe caterpillar bio shredder of the LIFE BEETLES project is already operational on Terceira island!
May 2, 2023The LIFE BEETLES project, coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, has acquired a …
read moreRegional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change promotes cycle of information and environmental awareness-raising sessions for agricultural and livestock sector
May 2, 2023The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, chaired this Wednesday the opening of a …
read moreSessões Públicas de Esclarecimento da Proposta de Alteração do Plano de Ordenamento da Orla Costeira da Ilha Terceira
April 27, 2023A Secretaria Regional do Ambiente e Alterações Climáticas, através da Direção Regional do Ordenamento do Território e dos …
read moreEstablishment of a population of the fern Asplenium hemionitis at the Faial Botanic Garden
April 26, 2023endemic flora, of the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project, which aims to conserve several species protected by the …
read moreLIFE VIDALIA receives networking visit from LIFE medCLIFFS
April 24, 2023LIFE VIDALIA, coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, recently received two members of …
read more2nd Monitoring Visit to LIFE SNAILS
April 21, 2023On 31 March and 1 April, the LIFE SNAILS team met on Santa Maria island with the NEEMO …
read moreLIFE VIDALIA welcomes visit from CINEA
April 19, 2023LIFE VIDALIA project, coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change and co-financed by the …
read moreAzorean Government inaugurates supply system and agricultural path on Corvo
April 19, 2023The Regional Government of the Azores inaugurated last week the water supply system of Casinha Velha and the …
read morePresented on Corvo a game about invasive species dedicated to primary and middle school children
April 19, 2023The game "Dobble Invasoras" was presented last week, on Corvo island, on the occasion of the statutory visit …
read moreRegional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change promoted workshop on “Agenda for the Circular Economy of the Autonomous Region of the Azores”
April 19, 2023The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, chaired on Monday the closing of the …
read moreLIFE SNAILS on the Regional Council for the Environment and Sustainable Development
April 18, 2023On 24 March, LIFE SNAILS – Support and Naturalization in Areas of Importance for Land Snails participated in …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA and LIFE BEETLES participate in a workshop on climate change
April 17, 2023On 22 March, LIFE IP AZORES NATURA and LIFE BEETLES participated in the 3rd Workshop on the Macaronesian …
read moreSRAAC present at the World Landscape Architecture Month
April 17, 2023Invited by APAP – Associação Portuguesa dos Arquitectos Paisagistas (Portuguese Landscape Architects Association), the Regional Secretariat for the …
read moreRegional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change considers extending SIRGIC cost-free period
April 14, 2023The SiRGIC – Land Registry Information Collection and Management System of the Azores was created by the Regional …
read moreRegional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change presents the Good Practices Guide for the Organisation of Circular Events
April 12, 2023The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, presided, by digital means, the official presentation …
read moreLIFE VIDALIA holds Final Project Conference
April 12, 2023LIFE VIDALIA holds Final Project Conference
On 26 April, the LIFE VIDALIA – Valorização e Inovação Dirigidos à …
read moreAzores Governmt inaugurates interventions in the Dilúvio and Prainha streams on Pico island
April 6, 2023The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel and the Regional Secretary for Tourism, Mobility …
read morePhotography contest “Biosphere Reserves of the Azores”
April 4, 2023As part of the first Festival of Biosphere Reserves of Portugal, the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and …
read more1ˢᵗ Edition of the newsletter “Flores – Biosphere Reserve”
April 4, 2023The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change has just launched the first edition of a newsletter …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA updates on its actions in the Santa Maria Nature Park Advisory Board
April 3, 2023This project, coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, participated in the Santa Maria …
read moreThe week of the International Day of Forests was full of environmental awareness activities
April 3, 2023The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change was present at the planting activity of endemic species, …
read moreReport on the 15th Regional Meeting on Environmental Education
April 3, 2023The 15th Regional Meeting on Environmental Education took place in the Escola Secundária Jerónimo Emiliano de Andrade, Terceira …
read moreGruta das Torres Visitors Centre already has an online ticket office!
April 1, 2023The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change launches today the online ticket office (https://bit.ly/3nzZFIJ) …
read moreLIFE VIDALIA promotes training, dissemination and replication action to the field teams of the islands of the triangle
March 31, 2023The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change promoted on 17 February, through the LIFE VIDALIA project, …
read moreLIFE SNAILS participates in the Regional Meeting on Environmental Education (EREA)
March 30, 2023LIFE SNAILS participated in the 15th Regional Meeting on Environmental Education on March 1, 2 and 3 on …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA participates in the Regional Meeting on Environmental Education
March 30, 2023At the beginning of March, the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project attended the 15th Regional Meeting on Environmental …
read moreLIFE IP CLIMAZ participates in the 15th Regional Meeting on Environmental Education
March 30, 2023The 15th Regional Meeting on Environmental Education, promoted by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, …
read moreLIFE BEETLES participates in the 15th Regional Meeting on Environmental Education
March 30, 2023The LIFE BEETLES project participated in the 15th Regional Meeting on Environmental Education (EREA), which took place on …
read moreAlonso Miguel inaugurates the works of Minimization of Hydrological Risks in Grota da Lagoinha
March 29, 2023The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, inaugurated today the works to minimise hydrological …
read moreStudents from the Gardening Course participate in an action to remove invasive flora and successive planting of natives on São Miguel
March 28, 2023On 16 February, a volunteer action was carried out to remove invasive flora on the coastline of Miradouro …
read moreAzores Regional Council for the Environment and Sustainable Development met in Terceira island
March 28, 2023The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, chaired last Friday in Angra do Heroísmo, …
read moreAlonso Miguel delivers forestry equipment on the island of Terceira under the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project
March 28, 2023The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, delivered equipment to the island of Terceira …
read moreRegional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change marked World Tree Day with the planting of endemic species in Fajã dos Cubres
March 24, 2023The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, marked the most recent World Tree Day, …
read moreEarth Hour 2023: a renewed vision 🌎 #BiggestHourForEarth
March 24, 2023"Since its beginnings in 2007, Earth Hour has been known for its "lights out" moment – a symbolic …
read moreAlonso Miguel delivers equipment to support the cleaning of the sand at Porto Pim beach
March 24, 2023The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, delivered this Thursday equipment to support cleaning …
read moreCongratulations to the Furnas do Enxofre Natural Monument!
March 23, 2023The Furnas do Enxofre correspond to the most important fumarolic field of Terceira island and are part of …
read morePresident of the Government marked World Water Day at the Lagoa das Sete Cidades
March 22, 2023The President of the Regional Government of the Azores, José Manuel Bolieiro, was present today, on World Water …
read moreAlonso Miguel inaugurates the recovery and remodelling works of the Traditional Trails of Fajã de Santo Cristo
March 22, 2023The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, presided on Tuesday at the inauguration ceremony …
read moreAlonso Miguel marks the 7th anniversary of the Fajãs de São Jorge Biosphere Reserve
March 21, 2023The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, was present on Monday in an environmental …
read moreInternational Day of Forests
March 21, 2023The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change is promoting a set of regional activities aimed at …
read moreSessão de Divulgação da Reserva da Biosfera das Flores
March 15, 2023No próximo dia 20 de março, o Centro de Interpretação Ambiental do Boqueirão e o Auditório da Câmara …
read moreRegional Secretary for the Environment and climate Change present in the hoisting of the Green Flag Eco-School at Escola Básica António José de Ávila
March 14, 2023regarding the Eco-School award for the 2021/2022 school year, granted to the school in the 15th edition of …
read moreRegional Government of the Azores starts the first stage of the rehabilitation of the Pedro Miguel Centre of the Faial Botanic Garden
March 10, 2023The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change is launching the first stage of the rehabilitation works …
read moreAs Reservas Naturais da Caldeira do Faial e da Montanha do Pico estão de parabéns!
March 8, 2023A 7 e 8 de março de 1972 a Caldeira do Faial e a Montanha do Pico foram …
read moreRegional Government of the Azores starts the construction work of the Monte da Guia Pedestrian and Interpretive Circuit
March 7, 2023The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, and the Regional Secretary for Tourism, Mobility …
read moreRegional Secretariat for Environment and Climate Change promotes “Eventos + Circulares” campaign
March 6, 2023The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change will deliver around 90 thousand reusable cups to organisations …
read moreLIFE SNAILS takes part in the meeting of the advisory board of the Santa Maria Nature Park
March 3, 2023The LIFE SNAILS project, coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, was present at …
read moreLIFE VIDALIA on display at Manuel de Arriaga High School
March 3, 2023The itinerant exhibition of LIFE VIDALIA project was available to all school community of the 3rd cycle and …
read moreRegional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change promotes 15ᵗʰ Regional Meeting on Environmental Education
March 1, 2023The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, chaired today the opening session of the …
read moreOnline population survey on climate change and carbon neutrality
Feb. 27, 2023Portugal is committed to achieving “carbon neutrality” by the end of 2050.
The Regional Secretariat for the Environment …
read moreRegional Secretary publishes 1st Monitoring Report of the Regional Climate Change Programme
Feb. 27, 2023The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, announced the publication of the 1st Monitoring …
read moreLIFE BEETLES: Beginning of clear-cutting work on eucalyptus trees
Feb. 23, 2023The LIFE BEETLES project has already started clear-cutting the eucalyptus grove of Furnas do Enxofre, one of the …
read moreContinuing the works at Ilhéu da Vila, Santa Maria
Feb. 22, 2023On January 19, a team from Santa Maria Environment and Climate Change Service went to the Ilhéu da …
read morePlanting of Rumex azoricus and Angelica lignescens in Serra Devassa, São Miguel
Feb. 20, 2023On 16 January, a team from the São Miguel Environment and Climate Change Service carried out a planting …
read moreGraciosa hosts session on “Azores on the Energy Route: Graciosa, the model island”
Feb. 20, 2023A session entitled “Azores on the Energy Route: Graciosa, a model island” took place on 25 January on …
read moreThe first LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project noticeboards are already in place
Feb. 17, 2023The first noticeboards produced under Action E1 – Project communication plan of the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA, coordinated …
read moreLIFE BEETLES: Nature Custody on World Wetlands Day
Feb. 16, 2023The LIFE BEETLES project has been establishing nature custody agreements with public and private entities, such as municipalities …
read moreConcurso Público n.º 39/SRAAC/2023 para a celebração de contrato de concessão do uso privativo do Bar da Casa da Montanha, na ilha do Pico
Feb. 10, 2023A Secretária Regional do Ambiente e Alterações Climáticas informa que foi lançado o anúncio para a celebração do …
read moreAlonso Miguel awards two tourism enterprise on São Miguel island with the Miosotis Azores 2022
Feb. 6, 2023The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, awarded the Miosotis Azores Award to two …
read moreWorld Wetlands Day
Feb. 2, 2023In Portugal, only 1.8 % of the territory is occupied by wetlands, and only 31 sites were designated to …
read moreAlonso Miguel marks National Park Rangers Day and World Wetlands Day
Feb. 2, 2023The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, visited the Furnas Monitoring and Research Centre …
read moreNational Park Rangers Day
Feb. 2, 2023Being a Park Ranger is about caring for our natural heritage and raising awareness of the need for …
read moreAlonso Miguel presented the State of the Azores Streams Report 2022
Jan. 31, 2023The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, presented today the State of the Azores …
read moreLIFE SNAILS develops work to obtain baselines of the ecosystem conditions of the intervention areas
Jan. 31, 2023Monitoring the impacts of conservation actions and improvement of the habitat available for land snail species, the target …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA plants Sanicula azorica in Caldeira do Faial
Jan. 27, 2023Within the scope of Action C3.2 – In-situ Conservation, the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project's field workers started …
read moreAlonso Miguel promotes the School Environmental Awareness Activities Offer for the 2022-2023 school year to Vocational Schools
Jan. 26, 2023This morning, the Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, was present at the Escola …
read moreFind out how to participate in the Arenaria Project
Jan. 25, 2023The Portuguese Society for the Study of Birds (SPEA), an associated beneficiary of the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA …
read more“Us and Climate Change” workshop
Jan. 24, 2023On 29 January, the auditorium of the Dalberto Pombo Environmental Interpretation Centre will host the workshop "Us and …
read moreLIFE BEETLES project's notice boards are already on the field!
Jan. 24, 2023One of the goals of the LIFE BEETLES project includes environmental awareness and public communication regarding the execution …
read moreSecretariat for the Environment and Climate Change acquires a plant biomass grinder, within the scope of the LIFE BEETLES project
Jan. 23, 2023The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, visited today the LIFE BEETLES project's intervention …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA participates in the São Miguel, Graciosa, São Jorge and Flores Advisory Boards
Jan. 23, 2023The LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project, coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, participated …
read moreApproval of the Regional Water Program and the Management Plan for the Hydrographic Region of the Azores
Jan. 18, 2023The Regional Water Program and the Management Plan for the Hydrographic Region of the Azores 2022 - 2027, …
read more“Açores na Rota da Energia” on all islands of the Region
Jan. 13, 2023The information and training sessions on energy entitled “Açores na Rota da Energia” (Azores on the Energy Route) …
read moreRegional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change promotes environmental information and awareness actions aimed at the agricultural sector
Jan. 10, 2023The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, met today with representatives of the Federação …
read moreRenovation of signage on LIFE VIDALIA intervention areas, on the island of Faial
Dec. 28, 2022On December 21, 2022, the renovation of noticeboards on the intervention areas of the LIFE VIDALIA project, on …
read moreTotal of 88 coastal bathing waters in public consultation
Dec. 27, 2022The public consultation procedure for coastal bathing waters to be identified in the year 2023 on all islands …
read moreWinners of the “Jardins Mais Endemicos” contest receive landscape architecture projects
Dec. 22, 2022With the motto “Give more Azores to your accommodation”, three tourist accommodation units from the six winners of …
read moreRemoval of invasive flora and reuse of biomass
Dec. 21, 2022In order to carry out the works of invasive flora removal in the stream of Ribeira Seca, on …
read morePlanting endemic plants
Dec. 20, 2022On December 12 and 13, the first planting of endemic species took place in the intervention area of …
read moreLIFE IP CLIMAZ receives 3rd monitoring visit
Dec. 20, 2022The LIFE IP CLIMAZ project, coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, hosted its …
read more1ˢᵗ Meeting of the LIFE SNAILS Education Programme (action E3)
Dec. 15, 2022The first meeting between the LIFE SNAILS project, coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate …
read moreAnnouncement – Public Request for Tenders for the concession contract for the private use of the Porto Pim Beach Bar
Dec. 14, 2022Announcement – Public Request for Tenders for the concession contract for the private use of the Porto Pim …
read moreEnvironmental volunteering with LIFE BEETLES and scouts – Terceira island
Dec. 14, 2022The LIFE BEETLES project promoted another volunteering activity on the island of Terceira, this time with the Scouts …
read moreSRAAC promotes the “Let's dress the trees” challenge.
Dec. 12, 2022The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change was once again the regional coordinating entity of the …
read moreInternational Mountain Day
Dec. 11, 2022The United Nations General Assembly declared 2022 the International Year of Sustainable Mountain Development. Celebrated annually to raise …
read moreAll Environmental Centres Closed
Dec. 7, 2022The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change informs that the environmental centres under its responsibility will …
read moreMoss Campaign
Dec. 7, 2022This Christmas season, the Park Rangers of the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change (SRAAC) raise …
read moreWorld Soil Day
Dec. 5, 2022Have you ever stopped to think about the importance of soil for life on Earth?
Soil plays a …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA participates in the 2022 Sement Event
Dec. 2, 2022“Sement Event” has as a double purpose of celebrating, in Mata Nacional do Bussaco, the National Day of …
read moreAlonso Miguel and Sofia Ribeiro presented the School Environmental Awareness Activities Offer for the 2022/2023 school year
Nov. 30, 2022The Regional Secretary for Education and Cultural Affairs, Sofia Ribeiro, and the Regional Secretary for the Environment and …
read more5 beetles at your door!
Nov. 29, 2022Beetles are the most versatile and diverse animal group, with more than 40 thousand species registered globally. Some …
read moreInstallation of a remote monitoring system in Planalto dos Graminhais
Nov. 28, 2022As part of the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project, the Portuguese Society for the Study of Birds (SPEA), …
read moreAlonso Miguel participated in the “Swap, Donate and Feed” fair
Nov. 27, 2022The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, was present this Saturday at the “Swap, …
read moreBuy Nothing Day
Nov. 26, 2022The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change marks Buy Nothing Day, a date first organised in …
read moreLIFE BEETLES 2022/2023 Educational Offer
Nov. 25, 2022The LIFE BEETLES project has a strong educational and awareness-raising component, which aims to change the public's perception …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA takes part in the removal of invasive flora on São Miguel
Nov. 24, 2022In the end of October, a volunteering activity took place to remove invasive flora in Pico do Carvão, …
read moreIntervention of the Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change
Nov. 23, 2022The complete text of the intervention of the Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, …
read more“Climate change represents one of the greatest challenges we face”, stresses Alonso Miguel
Nov. 22, 2022The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, recognised today that the climate change phenomenon …
read moreEco-design – A product never dies, it changes
Nov. 21, 2022Tell us everything! What eco-design products do you usually use, and how do you give them a new …
read moreTests to evaluate the effectiveness of the eradication of invasive flora species on Graciosa
Nov. 21, 2022At the beginning of November, tests were carried out in Ponta Branca, Graciosa island, to evaluate the effectiveness …
read moreRegional Secretary for Environment and Climate Change inaugurates mural “The Victims of the Volcano”
Nov. 20, 2022The Regional Secretary for Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, inaugurated, as part of the closing celebrations of …
read moreParticipation of LIFE BEETLES in the final seminar of the LIFE for Insects project
Nov. 18, 2022The LIFE BEETLES project, coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, participated in the …
read moreOverconsumption – When you use too much
Nov. 17, 2022We are approaching an era that is too consumerist, further worsening this problem. Before making a purchase, reflect …
read moreLa Palma has already started the environmental awareness programme in Primary Education with the “Ataja Tus Matos” Games Box
Nov. 17, 2022“Ataja Tus Matos” (Stop invasive plants) is the name of the project launched by the Fundación Canaria World …
read moreSwap Fair – Swap, Donate and Feed
Nov. 17, 2022This year, the 14ᵗʰ European Week for Waste Reduction and the 13ᵗʰ Azores Waste Week have the theme …
read morePark Ranger in action un the SOS Cagarro Campaign
Nov. 15, 2022During October and November, the Government of the Azores is promoting the SOS Cagarro Campaign through the Regional …
read moreEcological restoration action in the Topo Intervention Area with students of the local school
Nov. 14, 2022Last week, the Pontinha do Topo intervention area was the target of an ecological restoration action of the …
read moreUpcycling – “Bibbidi bobbidi boo”
Nov. 14, 2022Have you joined upcycling yet? Tell us in the comments what your transformations were.
read moreGreen Key 2023 applications open on 11 November
Nov. 10, 2022The Green Key Programme is an international award, present in more than 60 countries, which has a network …
read moreMinimal approach – Reducing is the new trend
Nov. 10, 2022Have you tried putting all your clothes on top of the bed? We only have a clear idea …
read moreThe Boqueirão Environmental Interpretation Centre celebrates its 13th anniversary!
Nov. 10, 2022 read moreRegional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change presents Roadmap for Carbon Neutrality of the Azores
Nov. 9, 2022The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, chaired today the public session for the …
read moreWorks on the streams of Lajes das Flores
Nov. 9, 2022The LIFE BEETLES project, coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, faces several challenges …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA is a theme at the 4ᵗʰ ESP Europe Conference on Crete
Nov. 8, 2022The LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project saw its work presented at the 4ᵗʰ ESP Europe Conference on Crete, …
read morePublic presentation of the Roadmap for Carbon Neutrality of the Azores
Nov. 7, 2022Local: Auditório do Campus de Angra do Heroísmo – University of the Azores
Date: 8 November 2022
read moreFast fashion – What is behind a cheap price?
Nov. 3, 2022Did you know that cheap clothes hide these problems? As attractive as the low price and the fact …
read more1ˢᵗ Edition of the newsletter "Graciosa - Biosphere Reserve"
Nov. 3, 2022The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change has just launched the first edition of a newsletter …
read moreInternational Day for Biosphere Reserves
Nov. 3, 2022Biosphere Reserves are defined by UNESCO as a tool to protect landscapes, ecosystems and species, thus promoting social, …
read moreCircular economy – Waste does not have to be trash!
Oct. 31, 2022The circular economy intends to introduce a product into a new life cycle. The concept of “circular fashion” …
read moreLIFE IP CLIMAZ's employees participated in training actions on chain saws handling, promoted by the Regional Directorate for Forest Resources (DRRF)
Oct. 28, 2022Read the full story on the DRRF website 👇
read moreRegional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change presented the Investment Plan for 2023 in a partners meeting
Oct. 28, 2022The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, in a meeting with the Regional Council …
read moreSecond-hand – Everyone deserves a second chance!
Oct. 27, 2022It is becoming increasingly fashionable to buy second-hand clothes, mainly through websites for the purpose, which makes the …
read moreLIFE VIDALIA welcomes users from Casa do Povo da Ribeirinha
Oct. 27, 2022On 14 October, the LIFE VIDALIA project received a group of users of Casa do Povo da Ribeirinha …
read moreLIFE VIDALIA supports a doctorate dedicated to the study of Vidalia and Azorean Lotus
Oct. 26, 2022The LIFE VIDALIA project received, on 18 October, students from a doctorate of the University of the Azores …
read moreFrom the Vineyards to the Sea Activity
Oct. 26, 2022Participate in this activity within the scope of the celebrations of the 14th anniversary of Graciosa Nature Park. …
read moreFairtrade textile - What about a win-win?
Oct. 25, 2022Often, when we buy a product, we have no idea of the "journey" it takes until it reaches …
read moreParticipation of LIFE BETTLES project in the Advisory Board of Pico and Terceira Nature Parks
Oct. 25, 2022The LIFE BEETLES project recently participated in the Advisory Boards of Pico and Terceira Nature Parks, as predicted …
read moreMicroplastics - From textile to the sea in a laundry
Oct. 21, 2022Most textile products are made of synthetic plastic fibres, such as polyester. During the washing process, microplastic particles …
read moreTextile Consumption is in the top 4 in Europe's ranking of heaviest impact on the environment and climate change!
Oct. 20, 2022Stay tuned to our page to learn more about this impact and how you can help reverse it.
read moreWe are already counting the days until Waste Week!
Oct. 19, 2022Over the next few weeks, until the end of Waste Week, we will be publishing various concepts and …
read moreWorkshop on floral arrangements with invasive plants
Oct. 18, 202226 october | 19h30 – 21h00
Boqueirão Environmental Interpretation Centre
Registrations until 21 october, calling 292 241 440
Promoção: …
read moreLIFE BEETLES’s participation in the 2nd Technical Workshop of LIFE VIDALIA project
Oct. 17, 2022The LIFE BEETLES project participated in the 2nd Technical Workshop of the LIFE VIDALIA project: “Invasive Exotic Flora: …
read more𝙏𝙧𝙚𝙘𝙝𝙪𝙨 𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙧𝙖𝙗𝙧𝙖𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙨𝙞𝙨 in the IUCN Green Status
Oct. 14, 2022Terceira Island’s beetle, a target species of the LIFE BEETLES project, has been classified as “Slightly Depleted”, according …
read moreLIFE IP CLIMAZ promotes meeting with the Slovenian project LIFE IP CARE4CLIMATE
Oct. 14, 2022LIFE IP CLIMAZ project promoted a Networking visit with the LIFE IP CARE4CLIMATE project, coming from Slovenia, from …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA participates in the Advisory Boards of Faial, Pico and Terceira
Oct. 14, 2022In recent weeks, the project LIFE IP AZORES NATURA attended the advisory boards of Faial, Pico and Terceira …
read moreLIFE SNAILS participates in the 2nd LIFE VIDALIA technical workshop: Invasive Exotic Flora
Oct. 13, 2022The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change held another LIFE VIDALIA project technical workshop, entitled Invasive …
read moreInternational Day for Disaster Risk Reduction
Oct. 13, 2022In the Azores, the small size of the hydrographic basins, as well as the steep slopes and reduced …
read moreLIFE IP CLIMAZ promotes the VI General Project Management Meeting on São Miguel Island
Oct. 12, 2022The LIFE IP CLIMAZ project promoted the 6th General Project Management Meeting, at the Furnas Monitoring and Investigation …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA promotes initiative to mark the Ecology Day
Oct. 11, 2022Ecology Day emerged as a celebration of the 150th anniversary of Ecology in 2016, marked with a roundtable …
read moreLIFE VIDALIA 2nd technical workshop – Invasive Exotic Flora
Oct. 11, 2022Another technical workshop, promoted by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change through the LIFE VIDALIA …
read moreTeam building of Wild Ginger sprouts removal in Lagoa Rasa
Oct. 10, 2022The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change promoted a team-building activity last September on the island …
read moreLIFE SNAILS promotes fieldwork with the scientific advisory team
Oct. 7, 2022Following the fieldwork promoted by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, under the LIFE SNAILS …
read moreSeed collection on the island of Flores reveals major contribution to the conservation of our biodiversity
Oct. 7, 2022Part of the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project’s mission is to reinforce the populations of threatened species in …
read moreGeosites bicycle tour in the Graciosa Island Biosphere Reserve
Oct. 6, 2022The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change promoted the activity “Geosites bicycle tour” in the scope …
read more“Ilha do Corvo Reserva da Biosfera”
Oct. 6, 2022Last September, corvo celebrated its 15th anniversary as a Biosphere Reserve. This classification recognizes territories distinguished by the …
read moreWorld Animal Day
Oct. 4, 2022World Animal Day aims to raise awareness of the need to protect and preserve the lives of all …
read moreSRAAC promotes Technical Seminar on Circular Economy
Oct. 4, 2022The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change promotes on 6 and 7 October, in Praia da …
read moreApplications for the "Espírito Verde" Awards are open!
Oct. 4, 2022The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change informs that applications for the "Espírito Verde" Awards are …
read more2nd Technical Eorkshop of the LIFE VIDALIA project
Oct. 4, 2022Join us online at https://bit.ly/3ydp25R.
read moreMistério da Prainha’s Fence on Pico island is finalised
Oct. 4, 2022The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, through the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project, installed a …
read moreNational Water Day
Oct. 1, 2022Water is essential to the life of all living beings. This natural resource allows the conservation of biodiversity, …
read moreToday is the International Day of Awareness about Food Loss and Waste!
Sept. 29, 2022A year ago, the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change started the campaign “Combating Food Waste …
read moreEnvironmental Education - Blue Flag
Sept. 29, 2022The latest conservation project of the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, LIFE SNAILS, recently presented …
read more2nd Technical Workshop of the LIFE VIDALIA project
Sept. 29, 2022The LIFE VIDALIA Project, coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, promotes the 2nd …
read more“Capelinhos Volcano was responsible for the creation of a unique natural heritage,” says Alonso Miguel
Sept. 28, 2022The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change said Tuesday that the eruption of the Capelinhos Volcano …
read moreGoal 15 – Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
Sept. 27, 2022Unfortunately, on public roads, we still find garbage on the ground that, besides polluting our cities, ends up …
read more65th anniversary of the Capelinhos Volcano Eruption
Sept. 27, 2022Exactly 65 years ago, what would be the most famous volcano of the century erupted from the sea …
read moreGoal 14 – Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
Sept. 26, 2022Over the past few years, disposable plastic packaging has increased exponentially. When they become waste, plastics end up …
read moreAlonso Miguel participates in coastal cleaning action on São Miguel that removes more than three tons of marine litter
Sept. 26, 2022The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, participated last Thursday in a coastal cleaning …
read moreGoal 13 – Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
Sept. 25, 2022Today we present another goal directly linked to the LIFE IP CLIMAZ project, of which the Regional Secretariat …
read moreGoal – 12 Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
Sept. 24, 2022The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, through the Waste Management Division, develops and implements waste …
read moreGoal 11 – Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
Sept. 23, 2022We can contribute to amore sustainable community by choosing greener modes of transportation that have a low impact …
read moreVoluntary work on Terceira island with the project LIFE BEETLES!
Sept. 23, 2022The LIFE BEETLES promoted an environment volunteering action of control and removal of invasive flora on the Eucaliptal …
read moreCelebratory activities for the 65th anniversary of the Capelinhos Volcano
Sept. 23, 2022Next Tuesday, 27 September, celebrate with us the 65th anniversary of the Capelinhos Volcano. This volcanic episode, which …
read moreAlonso Miguel projects on Tenerife the creation of an International Union for Conservation of Nature Cooperation Centre for the Macaronesia
Sept. 22, 2022The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, participated Wednesday on Tenerife, Canary Islands, in …
read moreGoal 7 – Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
Sept. 22, 2022This goal is directly linked to he LIFE IP CLIMAZ, of which the Regional Secretary for the Environment …
read moreEuropean Car Free Day
Sept. 22, 2022On this European Car Free Day, the LIFE IP CLIMAZ project encourages the entire Azorean population to …
read moreWebinar "One territory, two UNESCO classifications"
Sept. 21, 2022The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, in a partnership with Graciosa Island Biosphere Reserve and …
read moreGoal 6 – Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
Sept. 21, 2022Everyone has a leading role in water and sewerage management since everything we pour into plumbing influences their …
read moreGoal 2 – End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
Sept. 20, 2022We relate this sustainable development goal to the "Fighting Food Waste in the Azores" campaign of the Regional …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA promotes a briefing session on Corvo island
Sept. 20, 2022LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project was doing fieldwork last week on Corvo island. During this visit, a briefing …
read moreLIFE BEETLES attends Farmer's Day
Sept. 20, 2022The LIFE BEETLES project participated in the celebrations of Farmer’s Day, on 9 and 10 September, on the …
read more“Biosphere Reserves are important tools to ensure the protection of natural and cultural heritage”, argues Alonso Miguel
Sept. 20, 2022The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, highlighted this Sunday, on Graciosa, that the Biosphere Reserves, …
read moreSustainable Development Goals
Sept. 19, 2022The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2030 Agenda set global sustainable development priorities and ambitions for 2030, …
read moreInternational Coastal Clean-up Day
Sept. 17, 2022International Coastal Clean-up Day was created to raise awareness about the problem of marine litter, which is highly …
read moreApplications for the Miosotis Azores Award are open again!
Sept. 16, 2022The Azores Government promotes annually, through the Regional Secretariat of the Environment and Climate Change, an edition of …
read moreLIFE IP CLIMAZ present at the Summer CEmp on Ribeira Grande, São Miguel
Sept. 16, 2022The LIFE IP CLIMAZ project, coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, attended the …
read moreInternational Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer
Sept. 16, 2022🇬🇧 Today we celebrate International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer, which highlights the relevance …
read moreSummit between the Regional Governments of the Azores and Madeira
Sept. 15, 2022As part of the Summit between the Regional Governments of the Azores and Madeira, which ended yesterday, the …
read moreNew invasive flora species detected on Faial
Sept. 15, 2022At the end of August, a new invasive flora species was detected on the island of Faial - …
read moreNetworking meeting of LIFE IP CLIMAZ and LIFE IP CARE4CLIMATE
Sept. 14, 2022The LIFE IP CLIMAZ project, coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, met with …
read moreEcology Day
Sept. 14, 2022This day is celebrated to bring Ecology closer to society's ecologists towards the construction of a more sustainable …
read more15 Years of Corvo Biosphere Reserve
Sept. 13, 2022The island of Corvo received the Biosphere Reserve classification 15 years ago, recognition by UNESCO through the MaB …
read more15 Years of the Graciosa Biosphere Reserve
Sept. 12, 2022On 18 September, we celebrated 15 years since the island of Graciosa received the classification of Biosphere Reserve. …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA celebrates the International Bat Night
Sept. 9, 2022The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, through the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project, joined the …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA receives 5th monitoring visit
Sept. 8, 2022On 2, 5 and 6 September, the LIFE IPA AZORES NATURA project received, on the islands of São …
read moreAlonso Miguel announces the Action Plan for the Conservation of Nyctalus azoreum
Sept. 8, 2022The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, celebrated, at Alagoa, Agualva, on Terceira island, …
read moreMonitoring the impact of nature conservation actions
Sept. 6, 2022The LIFE BEETLES project carries out periodically the monitoring of invertebrates through two types of traps: pitfall and …
read moreEcology Day
Sept. 6, 2022The Portuguese Ecological Society (SPECO) promotes Ecology Day: the largest and only initiative entirely dedicated to Ecology. The …
read moreThe 14th European Week for Waste Reduction and the 13th Azores’ Waste Week already have a registration date!
Sept. 5, 2022This year the European Week for Waste Reduction (EWWR) and the Azores’ Waste Week, promoted in the Region …
read moreAlonso Miguel visited the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project's intervention area in Lagoa do Fogo
Sept. 5, 2022The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, visited today the intervention area of the …
read moreWhy are we excluding wall lizards?
Sept. 5, 2022The Madeira Lizard (Teira dugesii) is a species introduced in the Azores that presents invasive behaviour. …
read moreCongratulations to the Serra de Santa Bárbara Interpretation Centre!
Sept. 3, 2022Watch the video here.
read moreConstruction of a shade house in Furnas Orchard
Sept. 2, 2022Construction of a shade house in Furnas Orchard
Within the framework of action C3.2 "In-situ conservation" of the …
read moreEco-Schools programme awards 53 schools in the Azores
Aug. 31, 2022The Associação Bandeira Azul da Europa (ABAE) awarded this year 53 of the 58 schools of the Autonomous …
read moreTechnical Seminar on Circular Economy takes place on Praia da Vitória on 6 and 7 October 2022 - registrations are open until 20 September
Aug. 30, 2022The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change promotes, on 6 and 7 October 2022, on Praia …
read moreLearning, playing and helping Nature!
Aug. 30, 2022The LIFE BEETLES project promoted a set of environmental awareness activities, within the scope of the vacation programmes …
read moreCongratulations to the Caldeira Velha Environmental Interpretation Centre!
Aug. 29, 2022Veja o vídeo aqui.
read moreLIFE SNAILS project promotes active environmental citizenship
Aug. 29, 2022One of the significant contributions to the project's success is the involvement of the local population, especially the …
read moreA population of Isoëtes azorica was found on Flores island
Aug. 25, 2022The LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project confirmed the existence of a population of the endemic and protected species …
read moreInternational Bat Night
Aug. 25, 2022The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change celebrates the International Bat Night with a set of …
read moreConservation works on Ilhéu da Vila, Santa Maria
Aug. 24, 2022The Ilhéu da Vila (islet9 is one of the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project's intervention areas. Here occur …
read moreStart giving packaging a new value!
Aug. 24, 20221 - Pick up your card at any RIAC shop.
2 - Deposit your plastic, metal and glass …
read moreO Centro de Interpretação da Cultura do Ananás está de parabéns!
Aug. 23, 2022Veja o vídeo aqui.
read moreLIFE SNAILS shows progress and plans new actions
Aug. 23, 2022The most recent LIFE project in the Azores has been developing in the last months, a set of …
read moreAMAR a PRAIA - Concurso de práticas sustentáveis
Aug. 22, 2022A Associação Bandeira Azul da Europa e a P&G Portugal lançaram a 2ª edição do concurso Amar a …
read moreO Centro de Interpretação Ambiental Dalberto Pombo está de parabéns!
Aug. 21, 2022Veja o vídeo aqui.
read moreThe Regional Directorate for the Environment and Climate Change recently joined the Transnational Strategy for fighting against 𝑪𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒂 𝒔𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒐𝒂𝒏𝒂
Aug. 18, 2022The Cortaderia selloana is an invasive alien species that spread fast in the last decades, where areas with …
read moreLIFE SNAILS project’s target species
Aug. 18, 2022This project, coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, has as its main goal …
read moreCongratulations to the São Miguel Wild Birds Rehabilitation Centre (CERAS)!
Aug. 17, 2022This centre, which celebrates today its 6ᵗʰ birthday, belongs to the Azores Wild Birds Rehabilitation Centres Network, which …
read moreCongratulations to the Capelinhos Volcano Interpretation Centre!
Aug. 17, 2022Watch the video here: https://bit.ly/3pyqMl7
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA participates in the Flores Nature Park Advisory Board
Aug. 16, 2022This project, coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, participated in one more advisory …
read moreDay Against Pollution
Aug. 14, 2022The Day Against Pollution celebrated on 14 August aims to raise the population's awareness of the importance of …
read moreControlling 𝙋𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙞𝙘𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙖 𝙘𝙖𝙥𝙞𝙩𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙢 in Mistério da Prainha
Aug. 11, 2022The operational team of the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, within the LIFE BEETLES project, …
read moreAzores Government inaugurates the Fajã da Caldeira de Santo Cristo Support, Accommodation and Rest Zone
Aug. 8, 2022The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, inaugurated last Friday, on São Jorge, the …
read moreParticipation of the LIFE BEETLES project in the Flores Nature Park Advisory Board
July 28, 2022The LIFE BEETLES project, coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, recently participated in …
read moreNational Nature Conservation Day
July 28, 2022The 9 islands of the Azores constitute an extremely rich natural heritage, in which a higher number of …
read moreLIFE BEETLES promotes volunteering and team exchange action
July 27, 2022The LIFE BEETLES project promoted an environmental volunteering action to plant trees in the Lagoa do Caiado Intervention …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA present at the São Jorge Nature Park Advisory Board
July 26, 2022The LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project participated in the São Jorge Advisory Board, where it presented the more …
read moreLIFE VIDALIA promotes volunteering action with APADIF in the Rare Plants Nursery
July 26, 2022The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change promoted two volunteering sessions in the Rare Plants Nursery …
read moreFirst prospection and monitoring visit of the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project's to Ilhéu do Topo, São Jorge
July 21, 2022Within the scope of the actions C6.1 – Restoring islet seabirds' habitat; C8.1 – Control and eradication …
read moreJardins Mais Endémicos's winner units visited by LIFE VIDALIA
July 19, 2022The team of the LIFE VIDALIA project visited the lodging units that won the contest Jardins Mais Endémicos …
read moreAzorean Government presents redevelopment project of the Lagoa do Congro Landscaped Forest
July 13, 2022The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, presented yesterday the project for the requalification …
read moreProjeto de Requalificação da Mata Ajardinada da Lagoa do Congro
July 11, 2022O Governo Regional dos Açores, através da Secretaria Regional do Ambiente e Alterações Climáticas, informa que no dia …
read moreAlonso Miguel visits the new access to Porto Pim Beach
July 8, 2022The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, visited the new entry to Porto Pim …
read more18ª edição anual do workshop internacional – Paleontologia em Ilhas Atlânticas
July 6, 2022A 18ª edição anual do workshop internacional – Paleontologia em Ilhas Atlânticas (18ºPAI) irá decorrerá em Santa Maria, …
read moreGerman university participates in action of the LIFE BEETLES
July 4, 2022The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, through the LIFE BEETLES project’s team, welcomed a group …
read moreInternational Plastic Bag Free Day
July 3, 2022On this International Plastic Bag Free Day, the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change appeals …
read moreRegional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change promotes the monitoring of pristine areas on Pico island
July 1, 2022In order to detect possible outbreaks of invasive species, the operational team of the LIFE BEETLES project recently …
read moreCongratulations to the Furnas Monitoring and Research Centre!
July 1, 2022Localized on the south bank of Lagoa das Furnas (lake), this Environmental Centre has available for visitors detailed …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA reinforces populations of Lactuca watsoniana on Pico Island
July 1, 2022The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, through the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project, carried out …
read moreAzorean Government awards 31 prizes under the "Eco-Freguesia, Freguesia Limpa" Programme
July 1, 2022The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, distinguished, Wednesday, several parish councils of the …
read moreLIFE IP CLIMAZ present at the Advisory Board of Graciosa Nature Park
June 30, 2022LIFE IP CLIMAZ, a project coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, was present …
read moreCongratulations to the Landscape of the Pico Island Vineyard Culture Interpretation Centre!
June 29, 2022Inaugurated in 2010, aiming to be an information point about the Landscape of the Pico Island Vineyard Culture, …
read moreRegional Government hosts the National Ceremony of the "Green Key" Programme at the Furnas Monitoring and Research Centre
June 22, 2022The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, chaired on Tuesday the national ceremony of …
read moreNatural regeneration of native forest on Terceira island
June 21, 2022The Eucaliptal do Algar do Carvão is one of the intervention areas of the LIFE BEETLES project on …
read moreCongratulations to the Corvo Wild Birds Interpretation Centre!
June 21, 2022This Environmental Centre was inaugurated in 2007 as the Corvo Environmental and Cultural Interpretation Centre. Later, in 2019, …
read moreCongratulations to the Monte da Guia Complex!
June 20, 2022This complex, which today celebrates nine years of existence, is located on Faial in the Monte da Guia …
read moreSustainable Gastronomy Day
June 18, 2022On this Sustainable Gastronomy Day, the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change recalls the "Fight …
read moreToday we celebrate the Lagoa do Fogo Nature Reserve's 40th anniversary!
June 18, 2022The Lagoa do Fogo was classified as a Reserve on 15 April 1974. However, with the new legislation …
read moreAlonso Miguel delivers water line maintenance equipment as part of the "A Minha Ribeira" project
June 17, 2022The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, delivered today equipment for the maintenance of …
read moreWorld Day to Combat Desertification and Drought
June 17, 2022If, on the one hand, the Azores face flooding due to overflow and clogged rivers, on the other …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA present at the Graciosa Nature Park Advisory Board
June 15, 2022The LIFE IP AZORES NATURA, a project coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, …
read moreLIFE IP CLIMAZ present at the “Climate Change Challenge in Insular Regions” seminar
June 14, 2022The LIFE IP CLIMAZ management team travelled to the island of Porto Santo to present in the “Climate …
read more"Energy transition in the Azores" Webinar - LIFE IP CLIMAZ
June 13, 2022The LIFE IP CLIMAZ Project promoted a debate on energy transition in the Azores through a webinar, in …
read moreCongratulations to the Lagoa das Sete Cidades Environmental Complex!
June 1, 2022The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change celebrates today the 8th anniversary of the Lagoa das …
read moreAlonso Miguel presents an initiative for the free giving of intelligent electric water heaters on Graciosa
May 31, 2022The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, presided yesterday at the public session for …
read more“Environment’s path” activity
May 30, 2022On 5 June we celebrate World Environment Day: a date created half a century ago at the 1st …
read morePublic session with agricultural entrepreneurs on Pico Island
May 30, 2022Within the scope of the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA and LIFE BEETLES projects, the Regional Secretariat for the …
read moreCongratulations to the Flores Island Biosphere Reserve!
May 27, 2022Biosphere Reserves are marine and/or terrestrial ecosystems areas recognised by the Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme of …
read moreCongratulation to the Gruta das Torres Visitors Centre!
May 25, 2022Opened in 2005, the Gruta das Torres Visitors Centre is the gateway to the largest lava tube in …
read moreEuropean Day of Parks
May 24, 2022Today marks the European Day of Parks! A date that promotes various activities and events in all …
read moreRegional Government received the COOL Açores report with proposals for a clean and healthy ocean
May 23, 2022On the European Maritime Day, the Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, received the …
read moreRegional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change promotes prevention measures for extreme weather events on São Jorge
May 23, 2022The management team of the LIFE IP CLIMAZ project went o São Jorge island for a meeting with …
read moreEuropean Maritime Day
May 20, 2022The LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project, of which the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change is …
read moreRegional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change present at the Feira de Ambiente
May 20, 2022The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change participates in the V Edition of the Feira de …
read moreThe LIFE Programme celebrates its 30ᵗʰ anniversary!
May 18, 2022Next 21 May is the anniversary of the LIFE Programme, and the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and …
read moreInternational Museum Day
May 18, 2022This date aims to raise awareness of the importance of museums as a means of cultural exchange, enriching …
read moreAlonso Miguel inaugurated the Deposit System for Non-reusable Beverage Packaging in the Azores
May 17, 2022The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, inaugurated today on the Zona Verde do …
read moreEnvironmental education actions promoted by LIFE BEETLES
May 16, 2022Environmental education and awareness are crucial for the success of the nature conservation actions of the LIFE BEETLES …
read more2ⁿᵈ EDITION – Online training course on Photovoltaic Solar Energy
May 16, 2022The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, through the LIFE IP CLIMAZ project, joins the Regional …
read moreWaste Management Division participates in a training session on biowaste management
May 16, 2022The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, through the Waste Management Division, participated in the internal …
read moreInternational Day of Light
May 16, 2022Make saving energy part of your morning routine and contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Find out more …
read moreRegional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change visited the cleaning algae removal works at Porto Pim Beach
May 13, 2022The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, visited Porto Pim Beach to follow the …
read moreLIFE BEETLES promotes training action on Natural Engineering Techniques
May 13, 2022The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change promoted a training action on Natural Engineering Techniques on …
read moreCongratulations to the Gruta do Carvão!
May 11, 2022This Natural Monument, which currently constitutes a protected area of the São Miguel Nature Park, celebrates its 17.º …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA begins restoration works at Lagoa do Fogo
May 11, 2022The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change proceed to another extensive conservation and habitat restoration action, …
read moreBird callers and shelters for terns installed on Azorean islets
May 6, 2022At the beginning of the terns’ reproduction season, the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, through …
read moreGovernment of the Azores triplicates funds of the “Eco Freguesia, Freguesia limpa” programme
May 5, 2022The “Eco Freguesia, Freguesia limpa” programme, promoted by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, aims …
read morePlanting endemic flora and reusing invasive flora biomass
April 29, 2022In the beginning of April, the LIFE BEETLES planted 60 specimens of endemic flora, mainly Azorean laurustinus ( …
read moreReinforcement of a𝘈𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘢 𝘭𝘪𝘨𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘤𝘦𝘯𝘴 population at the top of Caldeira do Faial (caldera)
April 29, 2022The LIFE IP AZORES NATURA, of which the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change is the …
read moreDiscovery of a new population of Asplenium hemionitis on São Jorge
April 27, 2022The LIFE IP AZORES NATURA, coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, carried out …
read moreAzores Parliament approves the proposal of the Regional Government for the creation of the Legal and Financial Regime of Support for Climate Emergencies
April 26, 2022During the April plenary meeting of the Legislative Assembly of the Autonomous Region of the Azores, the proposal …
read moreInternational Mother Earth Day and National Geologic Heritage Day
April 22, 2022Today we celebrate both International Mother Earth Day and National Geologic Heritage Day.
The International Mother Earth …
read moreUnderstanding Landscape of the Pico Island Vineyard Culture: the tidal wells
April 22, 2022Tidal wells are some of the references of the Landscape of the Pico Island Vineyard Culture – World …
read moreERSARA seminar contributes to improving the water resources and waste management, says Alonso Miguel
April 21, 2022The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change presided yesterday at the opening session of the 6th …
read moreCongratulations to the Terceira Nature Park!
April 20, 2022Created 11 years ago to preserve and promote the sustainable use of the island's natural heritage, this Nature …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA develops conservations actions for the species Euphorbia santamariae
April 20, 2022LIFE IP AZORES NATURA develops conservations actions for the species Euphorbia santamariae
The Regional Secretariat for the Environment …
read moreUnderstanding the Landscape of the Pico Island Vineyard Culture
April 18, 2022The Landscape of the Pico Island Vineyard Culture was classified as World Heritage by UNESCO in 2004, based …
read moreLIFE IP CLIMAZ promotes online training courses
April 14, 2022Within the LIFE IP CLIMAZ project, the Regional Directorate for Energy, a project's associated beneficiary, will promote two …
read moreLIFE IP CLIMAZ visited the São Roque do Pico Basic and Secondary School
April 12, 2022On 5 April, the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change was at the São Roque do …
read morePollinators on the endemic flora of the Azores
April 11, 2022With the arrival of Spring, pollinating insects also arrive. These petite living beings essential to life promote the …
read moreLIFE VIDALIA em exposicao in the Capelinhos Volcano Interpretation Centre
April 11, 2022The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change invites you to visit the itinerant exhibition of the …
read moreAlonso Miguel inaugurates the restoration works of the Juncal's Mill on Pico
April 8, 2022The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, seized the symbolism of the National Mills …
read moreInauguration of the Juncal's Mill on Lajes do Pico
April 7, 2022Today is National Mills Day, and the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, in cooperation with …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA promotes the regeneration of one of the largest populations of Ammi trifoliatum of the Azores
April 6, 2022The mechanical removal of invasive species, namely Hedychium gardnerianum and Rubus ulmifolius, that were in the Ponta …
read moreCongratulations to the Furna do Enxofre Visitors Centre!
April 5, 2022The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change celebrates today the 12th anniversary of the Visitors Centre …
read moreHouse of Fossils // Dalberto Pombo Environmental Interpretation Centre welcomes the CineEco Festival
April 4, 2022The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, in partnership with the Expolab – Centro Ciência Viva, …
read more3rd LIFE BEETLES monitoring visit
April 1, 2022Last week, the LIFE BEETLES team met on Flores island with the monitor of the agency NEEMO – …
read moreRemoval of invasive species at Fajã do Araújo on São Miguel
April 1, 2022The LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project, in collaboration with the São Miguel Environment and Climate Change Service, promoted …
read moreLIFE IP CLIMAZ supports Azorean municipalities in the implementation of actions to combat climate change
March 30, 2022In a partnership between the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change and the Municipality of Vila …
read moreThe government and "Os Montanheiros" association signed the construction contracts of the Algar do Carvão Environmental Interpretation Centre
March 30, 2022The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change signed on Tuesday, in Angra do Heroísmo, the contract …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA presented to a group of French students
March 29, 2022On 7 March, the Regional Directorate for Sea Affairs, a LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project's associative beneficiary, …
read moreCapelinhos Volcano – Natural Monuments for three years
March 28, 2022On 27 March 2019, the recent volcano of the Azores received the natural monument classification.
The Capelinhos Volcano …
read moreSão Jorge Nature Park anniversary
March 28, 2022Sao Jorge Nature Park celebrates today its 11th anniversary, having been created by Regional Legislative Decree no. 8/2011/A, …
read moreVolunteer activity of endemic planting on Terceira
March 28, 2022As part of the international event “Trees for the World”, LIFE IP AZORES NATURA promoted the planting of …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA was present in the CRADS
March 25, 2022The Regional Council for the Environment and Sustainable Development – CRADS is a consultative body attended annually by …
read moreLIFE IP CLIMAZ participates in the CRADS
March 25, 2022The LIFE IP CLIMAZ team travelled to São Miguel island in order to participate in the Regional Council …
read moreParticipation of the LIFE BEETLES in the CRADS
March 25, 2022The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change held another Regional Council for the Environment and Sustainable …
read moreLIFE VIDALIA present in the CRADS
March 25, 2022The LIFE VIDALIA presented the project's progress to the Councillors present at the periodic meeting of the Regional …
read moreLIFE SNAILS participates in the CRADS for the first time
March 25, 2022The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change met on 3 March for the Regional Council for …
read more“Finding the Stream” activity
March 24, 2022The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change promotes several environmental awareness activities between 25 and 28 …
read moreFurnas do Enxofre and Algar do Carvão – Natural Monuments for 18 years
March 23, 2022On 23 March 2004, the Furnas do Enxofre and the Algar do Carvão were classified as nautral monuments. …
read moreFlores Nature Park celebrates its 11th anniversary
March 23, 2022On 23 March 2011, the Flores Nature Park was created, through Regional Legislative Decree no. 8/2011/A, aiming at …
read moreWorld Water Day
March 22, 2022In 1993 the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development implemented World Water Day.
This year's theme …
read moreGoverno Regional dos Açores associa-se à comemoração do Dia Mundial da Água
March 22, 2022Today is World Water Day under the theme "Groundwater - making the invisible visible". This day was established …
read moreInternational Day of Forests
March 21, 2022The International Day of Forests was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly on 21 March 2012.
The …
read moreCory's shearwater recovered and returned to nature
March 18, 2022On 3 March, one Cory's shearwater (Calonectris borealis) was found on the island of São Jorge …
read moreClimb to Furna Abrigo
March 17, 2022As part of the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the classification of the Pico Mountain Nature Reserve, …
read moreMeasures to reduce the consumption of single-use products and to promote reuse and recycling
March 15, 2022The approval of the Regional Legislative Decree no. 5/2022/A, of 4 March establishes measures to reduce the consumption …
read moreLIFE VIDALIA partners with Pousada Forte da Horta
March 14, 2022The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, within the LIFE VIDALIA project's actions and with the …
read moreDeposit System for Beverage Packaging in the Azores
March 14, 2022Soon in your council will be installed the reverse logistics machines of the Deposit System for Beverage Packaging …
read moreConsulta pública do Programa Estratégico de Prevenção e Gestão de Resíduos dos Açores 20+ (PEPGRA 20+)
March 7, 2022O Governo Regional, através da Direção Regional do Ambiente e Alterações Climáticas, pertencente à Secretaria Regional do Ambiente …
read moreRegional Council for the Environment and Sustainable Development met in Ponta Delgada
March 3, 2022The Regional Secretary of Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, met today, in Ponta Delgada, the Regional Council …
read moreWorld Wildlife Day
March 3, 2022In 2013, the United Nations proclaimed March 3 as World Wildlife Day. This year, under the theme …
read moreMeeting with the Advisory Board of the LIFE BEETLES project
March 3, 2022The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change met with, once again, the Advisory Board of the …
read moreEstão abertas as candidaturas ao programa “Eco-Freguesia, Freguesia limpa”
March 2, 2022A Secretaria Regional do Ambiente e Alterações Climáticas anuncia que as candidaturas ao programa “Eco-Freguesia, Freguesia Limpa”, a …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA successfully carries out propagation trials
March 2, 2022The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change continues to take significant steps on nature conservation, producing …
read moreAlonso Miguel e Ana Carvalho assinam auto de consignação da empreitada de requalificação do Miradouro da Ferraria
Feb. 28, 2022O Secretário Regional do Ambiente e Alterações Climáticas, Alonso Miguel, e a Secretária Regional das Obras Públicas e …
read moreWaste Processing Centers on Pico and Faial islands awarded in the “Best Performance, More Recycling” contest
Feb. 24, 2022The Waste Processing Center (WPC) on the islands of Pico and Faial were highlighted in the “Best Performance, …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA promotes training courses in first aid
Feb. 23, 2022In order to provide LIFE IP AZORES NATURA's staff working in the field, especially in sites of difficult …
read moreLIFE BEETLES project hosts Erasmus programme
Feb. 22, 2022The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change promotes knowledge exchange through its projects and availability to …
read moreLIFE IP CLIMAZ began the preparation of the intervention and clearing works of several streams of the Azores
Feb. 18, 2022The flooding risks and consequent damage to the communities near riparian zones are increasingly a concern to the …
read moreRegional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change on the front line of ecological restoration and combating invasive flora in the Azores
Feb. 15, 2022The invasive flora species have a strong dispersion ability, being very competitive and able to put at risk …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA promotes phytopharmaceutical application training
Feb. 11, 2022The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, through the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project, in order …
read morePurchases of new electric cars increased 81% in 2021
Feb. 10, 2022In the Azores, the acquisition of new electric cars increased 81% in 2021 compared to 2020, totaling 269 …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA was present in the "Discover to preserve our Wetlands" activity
Feb. 7, 2022This was a weekend filled with activities promoted by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change …
read moreLIFE IP CLIMAZ presents new measures to implement
Feb. 7, 2022The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change promoted the fourth general meeting of the LIFE IP …
read more“Discover to preserve our Wetlands” activity helps to reforest the Lagoa do Caiado
Feb. 7, 2022To commemorate World Wetlands Day, the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change promoted an endemic species …
read moreRegional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change highlights the fundamental role of park rangers in the Azores
Feb. 3, 2022The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, highlighted today, on São Miguel, the role …
read moreNational Park Rangers Day
Feb. 2, 2022Today is the day when the work done by Park Rangers is praised in our country. This special …
read moreWorld Wetlands Day
Feb. 2, 2022Wetlands are among the richest and most productive ecosystems in the world in terms of biological diversity, water …
read moreNational Park Rangers Day
Feb. 2, 2022On this day, the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change pays tribute to the guardians of …
read more“Environmental Education is one of the pillars of civic education for citizens”, praises Alonso Miguel
Jan. 27, 2022The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, underlined today that “environmental education corresponds to …
read moreAlonso Miguel asks everyone to commit to the “complex challenge” of implementing a new management paradigm in land use
Jan. 20, 2022The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, accompanied by the Regional Director for Spatial …
read moreGovernment of the Azores approves measures to reduce single-use plastics
Jan. 14, 2022The Regional Government of the Azores approved today, in the Legislative Assembly of the Autonomous Region of the …
read moreThe Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change gives more Azores to lodgings by awarding six landscape architecture projects
Jan. 6, 2022Aiming to raise the lodging units' awareness of the necessity of conservation and promotion of the Azorean flora, …
read moreAzores Environmental Centers Network closure
Dec. 16, 2021The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change informs that the Azores Environmental Centres Network will be closed …
read moreIs moss picking a tradition in your family for the Christmas nativity scene?
Dec. 10, 2021If so, this year we bring you a more environmentally friendly alternative.
Moss is a fundamental part of …
read moreRegional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change present in the 2nd Edition of COOL Açores
Dec. 9, 2021The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, participated in the 2nd Edition of COOL Azores, …
read moreDid you know that there are edible flowers in the Azores?
Dec. 9, 2021Most likely, you have seen Tropaeolum majus on the most diverse landscapes of the Azorean islands, generally under …
read moreRegional Government signs a protocol with the University of the Azores on Land Use Capacity Digital Cartography
Dec. 7, 2021The Regional Government of the Azores, through the Regional Secretariats for Agriculture and Rural Development and for the …
read moreRare and endemic arthropods found in the Archipelago
Dec. 7, 2021Rare and endemic arthropods found in the Archipelago
The various actions carried out by the LIFE BEETLES have …
read moreDid you know that...
Dec. 3, 2021the genus Sphagnum spp. includes 15 native species and one endemic species of the Azores?
Unique to the …
read moreRegional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change marked 12ᵗʰ Waste Week in the Azores with 96 actions
Dec. 3, 2021Between 20 and 28 November another Waste Week took place in the Azores, as part of the 13ᵗʰ European …
read more𝙋𝙪𝙚𝙧𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙖 𝙡𝙖𝙗𝙖𝙩𝙖 – New invasive species detected on São Miguel already being removed
Dec. 2, 2021With the early detection of the Pueraria labata (kudzu) and the fast response of removal of …
read moreInnovative loggerhead turtle tagging project
Nov. 27, 2021On November 18 and 19, 2021, at the Live Fish Station - Porto Pim Aquarium, the Regional Secretariat …
read moreLIFE IP CLIMAZ website is launched
Nov. 26, 2021Presented during the last monitoring visit, the LIFE IP CLIMAZ project website is now online and available for …
read more12ᵗʰ Azores Waste Week
Nov. 25, 2021Are you familiar with the concept Restart Party? This is a good example of sustainable environmental practices that …
read moreThe Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change’s LIFE projects continue to present excellent results
Nov. 24, 2021One more successful monitoring visit! The team of NEEMO – Monitoring LIFE Projects and Communicating about the LIFE …
read moreFight Food Waste in the Azores
Nov. 24, 2021This is a favourable season for consumption, particularly regarding food.
We know that this is the time of …
read moreWhat are they doing at Monte da Guia?
Nov. 19, 2021We will answer the question that will be asked in the coming days. Next week, a control action …
read moreRemoval in the Algar do Carvão eucalyptus forest
Nov. 19, 2021This area consists of a forest of about 5000 common eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) that can reach …
read morePark Ranger in action
Nov. 15, 2021Autumn is the cory's shearwater (𝘊𝘢𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘴 𝘣𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘴) juveniles' migration period to the southern hemisphere, as their progenitors started …
read moreA new invasive flora species was found in the Azores
Nov. 12, 2021The Park Rangers Corps identified, for the first time, the existence of a highly invasive species – the …
read moreTasting the tradition of the Flores Island Biosphere Reserve
Nov. 12, 2021It was on the Ribeira do Pomar Windmill that the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change …
read moreStrategic Environmental Evaluation of the Azores Watershed Management Plan 2022-2027
Nov. 12, 2021The Regional Government of the Azores, through the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change/Regional Directorate for …
read moreRegional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change creates support for lodgings that adopt good environmental practices
Nov. 10, 2021The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change promotes, from 10 to 30 November, the contest Jardins …
read moreRoad interruption notice
Nov. 9, 2021The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, within the scope of the LIFE BEETLES project, will …
read moreAlonso Miguel participated in the “Primer Congresso International de los Óceanos” on the Canary Islands
Nov. 8, 2021The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, participated last week in the “Primer Congresso …
read moreLIFE projects unite the Azores and Madeira archipelagos
Nov. 5, 2021One of the LIFE VIDALIA's goals, developed in the Azores, is to establish partnerships with various entities and …
read moreThe insects “invaded” Flores and Pico
Nov. 4, 2021The “invasion” took place at the Boqueirão Environmental Interpretation Centre and the Gruta das Torres Visitors Centre during …
read morePublic sessions of clarification of the alteration of the Regional Water Programme of the Autonomous Region of the Azores and the Azores Watershed Management Plan proposal
Nov. 4, 2021The Regional Government of the Azores, through the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change/Regional Directorate for …
read moreRegional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change with positive results on the evaluation of the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project
Nov. 3, 2021Within the scope of the 4th LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project monitoring visit, a group of European Union's …
read morePlan for the environment presented at the Regional Council for the Environment and Sustainable Development
Nov. 3, 2021The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, presented this Tuesday the Region's Investments Plan …
read moreWe planted 240 trees, here and there!
Oct. 28, 2021The voluntary action “Plant Here, Plant There”, promoted by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, …
read moreFight Food Waste in the Azores
Oct. 27, 2021Do you have already pumpkins for this weekend's decorations?
Collect your seeds and have pumpkins grown by yourself. No …
read moreWalking trail that connects Algar do Carvão to Furnas do Enxofre inaugurated, on Terceira
Oct. 18, 2021The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, inaugurated, today, the walking trail that connects …
read moreGovernment of the Azores celebrates World Food Day - "The Planet needs us."
Oct. 16, 2021The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change promoted, on World Food Day, an activity within the …
read moreInternational Day for Disaster Risk Reduction
Oct. 13, 2021It is increasingly evident that the planet is affected by natural disasters that result from climate change. These …
read moreInstallation of artificial nests for seabirds on Graciosa
Oct. 11, 2021One of the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA’s goals is to contribute to the growth of the population of …
read moreSeed collection of native species on several Azorean islands
Oct. 9, 2021The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change has been developing a set of works in the …
read moreOur species – 𝘼𝙨𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙣𝙞𝙪𝙢 𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙪𝙢
Oct. 8, 2021Today, we present to you one more of the native and endemic species of the Azores that you …
read moreLIFE IP CLIMAZ contributes to achieving the European Union’s goals for 2030
Oct. 7, 2021The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change intends to cooperate in the achievement of the goals …
read more𝘏𝘦𝘥𝘺𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘶𝘮 – a threat to the Azorean biodiversity
Oct. 6, 2021The “Congas” or “False-ginger” (Hedychium spp.) are among the 50 most dangerous exotic species of Macaronesia (Silva …
read moreWorld Animal Day
Oct. 4, 2021Everything started in Italy, at a ecologists' conference in Florence in 1931, where was decided that 4 October …
read moreSustainability Charter is "a treaty of inspirational and guidance norms" for the Azores, valorises José Manuel Bolieiro
Oct. 1, 2021The president of the Regional Government of the Azores, José Manuel Bolieiro, defended on Thursday night that the …
read morePrémios Espírito Verde – Valorizar o compromisso ambiental dos açorianos
Oct. 1, 2021The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change already began the applications period for the "Espírito Verde" …
read moreXIX Iberian Congress of Entomology
Oct. 1, 2021The LIFE BEETLES project was part of the XIX Iberian Congress of Entomology, which main goal is sharing …
read moreNational Water Day
Oct. 1, 2021Can you imagine your life without water?
This day intends to highlight the importance that water has in …
read moreFighting Food Waste in the Azores
Sept. 29, 2021Today we celebrate the International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste, created in 2020 by FAO …
read moreEuroBirdwatch 2021 Activities
Sept. 28, 2021The largest European event dedicated to birdwatching takes place next weekend!
The EuroBirdwatch, already in its 22nd edition, …
read moreEuropean Car Free Day
Sept. 22, 2021This commemorative date is included in the European Mobility Week that, this year, takes place from 16 to …
read moreEuroBioBlitz 2021 Challenge: can you identify flora species?
Sept. 20, 2021If your answer is yes, this challenge is for you.
The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate …
read moreWorld Water Monitoring Day
Sept. 18, 2021Established with the objective of alerting the world population to the urgent need of protecting the water resources, …
read moreInternational Coastal Clean-up Day
Sept. 18, 2021Celebrated every year on the third Saturday of September, this date aims to create awareness on the population …
read moreCaldeira da Serra de Santa Bárbara Intervention Area, Terceira
Sept. 17, 2021We present one of our intervention areas, the Caldeira da Serra de Santa Bárbara, localized on the Serra …
read moreWe have already installed traps in every intervention area!
Sept. 17, 2021Rodents are invasive fauna species that represent a serious threat to the Azorina vidalii and to the Lotus …
read moreThe fragile gas shield that protects the Earth
Sept. 16, 2021The Regional Secretariat for Environment and Climate Change celebrates today the International Day for the Preservation of the …
read moreArt born from waste!
Sept. 16, 2021The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, through the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project, and the …
read moreLIFE IP CLIMAZ plans actions until the end of 2022
Sept. 14, 2021On the occasion of the 3 ͬ ͩ general meeting of the LIFE IP CLIMAZ, in which the coordinating …
read moreRegional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change celebrated the 25 ͭ ͪ International Bat Night
Sept. 14, 2021The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change celebrated the International Bat Night, promoting the action “Unveil …
read moreRegional Secretariat for the Environment recommends measures to minimize bad odours in Prolacto
Sept. 8, 2021The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change visited today the facilities of Prolacto, meeting with the …
read moreRegistrations for the 13th European Week for Waste Reduction and the 12th Azores' Waste Week open until 12 November
Sept. 3, 2021The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change promotes, between 20 and 28 November 2021, the 13th …
read moreJosé Manuel Bolieiro evokes the life and work of the researcher Frederico Machado, in a ceremony on Faial
Sept. 3, 2021Today, the President of the Regional Government of the Azores, José Manuel Bolieiro, congratuleted the "life and work" …
read moreInstallation of pitfall traps to capture arthropods in the intervention areas
Sept. 2, 2021Within the monitoring works carried out by the LIFE BEETLES project, pitfall traps were set up on the …
read moreThe 𝙂𝙪𝙞𝙖 𝙙𝙤 𝙀𝙙𝙪𝙘𝙖𝙙𝙤𝙧 𝙇𝙄𝙁𝙀 𝙄𝙋 𝘼𝙕𝙊𝙍𝙀𝙎 𝙉𝘼𝙏𝙐𝙍𝘼 is already available!
Sept. 2, 2021The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change develops environmental education actions on schools, which reflect its …
read moreMonitoring of marine biodiversity of the Azores
Sept. 2, 2021The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change began monitoring the marine biodiversity, through the Atlânticoline's ship …
read moreAlonso Miguel and Pedro de Faria e Castro met with the Director-General of UNESCO
Aug. 26, 2021The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, and the Regional Under Secretary of the …
read moreRegional Director for the Environment and Climate Change participates in a activity with Junior Park Rangers.
Aug. 25, 2021The Regional Director for the Environment and Climate Change, Ana Cristina Rodrigues, was present at the awareness activity …
read moreNew reservation platform to access the Caldeira Velha Natural Monument
Aug. 20, 2021The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change has developed an online platform, which allows quick and …
read moreMitigation of Climate Change in the Azores
Aug. 9, 2021Climate change is a problem worldwide, and its consequences, as we all know, are increasingly devastating.
In the …
read moreArthropods matter
Aug. 6, 2021The human being depends highly on the natural equilibrium to be able to survive on the planet.
Sometimes …
read moreIncreased greenhouse gas emissions: what are the causes?
Aug. 6, 2021To fight against this problem, the LIFE IP CLIMAZ project will promote the production of renewable energy and …
read moreThe Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change has taken another big step towards the conservation of the endemic flora of the Azores!
Aug. 5, 2021For the first time, the Faial Botanic Garden has been cultivating the Angelica lignescens species, in its collection of …
read moreInvasive plants identification workshop
July 31, 2021The La Palma Biosphere Reserve developed a workshop aimed at the identification of invasive or potentially invasive plants, …
read moreToday we celebrate World Nature Conservation Day!
July 28, 2021Created by the General Assembly of the United Nations, this day aims to draw attention to the problems …
read moreWhich are the greenhouse gases?
July 27, 2021Some gases naturally present in the Earth's atmosphere act like the glass walls of a greenhouse, trapping the …
read morePublic Session of the Management Plan for Land Areas of the Flores Nature Park
July 27, 2021The Regional Secretariat for Environment and Climate Change will promote a public session, open to the population, on …
read morePublic Session of the Management Plan for Land Areas of the São Jorge Nature Park
July 27, 2021The Regional Secretariat for Environment and Climate Change, through the São Jorge Environment and Climate Change Service , …
read morePublic Session of the Management Plan for Land Areas of the Corvo Nature Park
July 26, 2021The Regional Secretariat for Environment and Climate Change will promote a public session, open to the population, on …
read morePublic Session of the Management Plan for Land Areas of the Terceira Nature Park
July 26, 2021The Regional Secretariat for Environment and Climate Change will promote a public session, open to the population, regarding …
read moreGovernment of the Azores promotes a public session to present the New Preliminary Project for the Requalification of the Lagoa do Fogo Viewpoint
July 22, 2021The Regional Government of the Azores, through the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, will promote, …
read morePublic Session of the Management Plan of Land Areas of the Santa Maria Nature Park
July 21, 2021The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change will promote a public session related to the public …
read moreRegional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change delivers a maritime vessel to the Corvo Island Environment Service to support the preservation of the environment and nature conservation
June 30, 2021Yesterday, the Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change delivered a semi-rigid vessel to the Environmental Service …
read moreThe Government of the Azores puts the Management Plans for the Land Areas of the Natural Parks of the Islands of Santa Maria, Terceira, Graciosa, São Jorge, Flores and Corvo into public consultation
June 30, 2021The Government of the Azores, through the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, placed, until August 10, …
read moreLIFE BEETLES | Endemic species plantations
June 21, 2021The first plantations of endemic species were carried out in the intervention areas of the land adjacent to …
read moreRegional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change marks the 35th anniversary of the Faial Botanic Garden
June 18, 2021The Faial Botanic Garden celebrates today 35 years of existence and was visited by the Regional Secretary for the …
read moreWorld Day to Combat Desertification and Drought - June 17
June 17, 2021Aiming to halt desertification and drought, the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change (SRAAC), under the project …
read moreAlonso Miguel highlights measures to combat climate change
June 17, 2021On World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought, the Regional Secretary for Environment and Climate Change assured that …
read moreAlonso Miguel rewards environmental excellence in Azorean tourist accommodations
June 7, 2021The Regional Secretary for Environment and Climate Change awarded this Saturday, World Environment Day, the Miosotis Azores prize. …
read moreParque Escola Activity: Less eyes than belly!
June 2, 2021The Faial Nature Park, through Ecoteca, has been promoting the action “Less eyes than belly!”, within the scope …
read more𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙦𝙪𝙚 𝙀𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙡𝙖 Activity: D’olho nas aves
May 31, 2021The Ecoteca of the Terceira Nature Park presents in its Parque Escola 2020/21 offer the activity “D’olho nas aves”. This action …
read more𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙦𝙪𝙚 𝘼𝙗𝙚𝙧𝙩𝙤 - June Schedule
May 27, 2021This month, the Nature Parks invite you to participate in a diverse set of activities, where you can …
read more𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙦𝙪𝙚 𝙀𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙡𝙖 Activity: Getting to know LIFE VIDALIA in Santa Maria
May 27, 2021Within the scope of Parque Escola and the LIFE VIDALIA project, the Santa Maria Nature Park, through the …
read more4th Edition of the 𝙁𝙚𝙞𝙧𝙖 𝙙𝙚 𝘼𝙢𝙗𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙚
May 25, 2021The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change is present at the 4th Edition of the Feira …
read moreRegional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change marks International Day for Biological Diversity
May 21, 2021The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change has been carrying out, during the month of May, …
read moreRegional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change is present at the Environment Fair
May 21, 2021The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change will be present at the IV Edition of the …
read moreRegional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change presided the opening session of the “Law and Legislation for the Environment” training session
May 18, 2021The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change presided, on Monday, the opening of the training course …
read moreThe Environment Secretary delivers the Excellence Awards under the "Eco-freguesia, Freguesia limpa 2020" Program
May 13, 2021The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change of the Regional Government of the Azores proceeded, this …
read moreHistorical Eruptions of the Azores - Submarine eruption of 1902, between the islands of São Jorge and Terceira
May 7, 2021This submarine eruption occurred during the night of May 7 to 8, 1902, in the southwest of Terceira …
read moreWorkshop – The Conservation of Endemic
May 7, 2021Register and stay up to date with all the news about this workshop on: www.lifevidalia.eu/networking
read moreParque Escola Activity: Flora Açoriana
May 4, 2021Driven by the Flores Nature Park Ecoteca and available in the Parque Escola 2020/21 educational offer, “Flora Açoriana” …
read moreVolcanoes' House in the 2021 InAVation Awards nominations
May 3, 2021The Volcanoes' House exhibition is on the list of finalists for the InAVation Awards 2021, from InAVate Magazine, in …
read moreParque Escola Activity: The Coffee Legend
April 27, 2021The island of São Jorge has an extensive coastline, with steep cliffs, mainly on the north coast, which …
read moreLIFE BEETLES | Intervention Areas
April 27, 2021Both intervention areas here represented, TER3 and TER4, respectively, are both Eucalyptus forests. Both are considered areas of …
April 23, 2021Pico is the Project island with the most intervention areas: LIFE VIDALIA preserves seven populations of Azorina vidalii …
read moreAzores celebrated World Earth Day planting trees on all islands
April 23, 2021The Azores celebrated World Earth Day on Thursday with a large-scale plantation of endemic species, which took place …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA | Operational team from Pico island
April 23, 2021Continuing with our monthly article, which the operational teams contracted by LIFE IP Azores Natura in all the …
read moreAlonso Miguel defines sustainable development as the “pillar” of government action
April 21, 2021The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, defined today the sustainable development of the Azores …
read moreLIFE BEETLES | Intervention Areas
April 20, 2021PIC_5_6_7_8 – Pico
The plots of this intervention area are coincident with the adjacent areas of Lagoa do …
read moreParque Escola Activity: 𝘾𝙖𝙡𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙧𝙞𝙨 𝙗𝙤𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙞𝙨 are back!
April 16, 2021Towards the end of February, after having spent a season in the South Atlantic, the Calonectris borealis, …
read moreLIFE BEETLES | Intervention Areas
April 13, 2021FLO3 – Flores – Lagoa Funda
The intervention area FLO3 is located in the Natural Reserve of Caldeira …
read moreParque Escola Activity: Meet LIFE VIDALIA
April 7, 2021LIFE VIDALIA (Valorization and Innovation Targeted at Azorina vidalii and Lotus azoricus in the Azorean Islands) is a …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA | Invasive plant species control in Ponta do Castelo, Santa Maria
April 6, 2021Within the scope of action C8.1 “Control and eradication of invasive alien species (IAS) of flora in terrestrial …
read moreLIFE BEETLES | Intervention Areas
April 6, 2021This intervention area is located in the Natural Reserve of Serra de Santa Bárbara. The area is characterized …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA | Reinforcement planting of 𝙀𝙪𝙥𝙝𝙤𝙧𝙗𝙞𝙖 𝙎𝙩𝙮𝙜𝙞𝙖𝙣𝙖 subsp. 𝙨𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙖𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙖𝙚
March 31, 2021Within the frame of the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project, and in collaboration of the team from the …
read moreSchool Park Activity: Discovering Water
March 30, 2021Water is an essential resource for the existence of life on our planet. Despite being called “Blue Planet”, …
read moreLIFE BEETLES | Intervention Areas
March 30, 2021The intervention area PIC 2_3_4 is inserted on the Protected Area for Habitat or Species Management of Lagoa …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA | OP 5 – The 5 biggest terrestrial Special Areas for Conservation (SACs) in the Azores
March 29, 2021The Natura 2000 Network is a coherent ecological network, whose objective is the conservation of the biological and …
read moreLIFE BEETLES | Environmental awareness activities
March 29, 2021Easter holidays have begun and we went on a "Easter Beetle Hunt"! This joint activity with Pico Nature …
read more10th Anniversary of the São Jorge Nature Park
March 28, 2021The São Jorge Nature Park celebrates its 10th anniversary today, having been created by Regional Legislative Decree No. 10/2011 …
read moreLIFE VIDALIA | Our team
March 26, 2021Today we invite you to meet the LIFE VIDALIA operational team. The project focuses on the conservation of …
read moreLIFE BEETLES - Project Actions
March 25, 2021Within the LIFE BEETLES project, several concrete actions will take place. Here we present a small synthesis of …
read moreMarch 32: Flores Nature Park 10th Anniversary
March 23, 2021The Flores Nature Park, that celebrates its 10th anniversary today, was created by Regional Legislative Decree No. 8/2011 …
read moreLIFE BEETLES - Intervention Areas
March 23, 2021The second intervention area of Flores Island, FLO2, is located in the Natural Reserve of Caldeira Funda and …
read moreRegional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change marks World Water Day
March 23, 2021The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, visited yesterday, within the scope of World …
read moreParque Aberto - April schedule
March 22, 2021April is the month to celebrate Easter, World Earth Day and National Day of Geological Heritage.
During this …
read moreRegional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change promotes intervention to control invasive species in Faial
March 19, 2021The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, through the Regional Directorate for the Environment and Climate …
read moreLIFE BEETLES - Field Work
March 18, 2021We continue the concrete conservation actions, putting our hands to work in the field! Our operational assistants keep …
read morePark School Activity: On the way to the Sete Cidades Tunnel
March 18, 2021As part of the project to upgrade the banks of Lagoa das Sete Cidades, Park's Shop plays an …
read moreGovernment of the Azores provides deposit system for non-reusable beverage packaging
March 17, 2021The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change of the Government of the Azores informs that it …
read moreLIFE BEETLES | Intervention Areas - TER1 – Terceira – Lagoa do Pinheiro
March 16, 2021The TER1 area is located on the northeastern slope of Serra de Santa Bárbara Nature Reserve, in Lagoa …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA | Operational team on Faial Island
March 15, 2021Today we travel to Faial Island to present our team of operational staff hired by the LIFE IP …
read moreAzores receive Green Destinations distinction in the “Communities & Culture” category
March 12, 2021The Azores reached today second place in the “Communities & Culture” category of Green Destinations.
The announcement was …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA | 3rd LIFE IP AZORES NATURA monitoring visit
March 12, 2021Today, the third monitoring visit to the LIFE IP Azores Natura project ends on Terceira Island after, in …
read moreConservation of nature and protection of biodiversity are priority aspects of the Government, defends Alonso Miguel
March 11, 2021The Regional Secretary of the Environment and Climate Change defended today that “the conservation of nature and the …
read moreLIFE BEETLES | Project News - Monitoring Visit
March 11, 2021This week we received the second monitoring visit of the LIFE BEETLES Project. Monitoring visits consist of an …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA | News about field work of Biosfere Reserve of La Palma
March 10, 2021The inappropriate use of endemic species of the Canaries as ornamental, distancing them from their place of origin …
read moreCorvo Nature Park - Ecoteca: The Azores Volcanoes
March 9, 2021The archipelago of the Azores consists of nine islands and several islets, all of volcanic origin. In these, …
read moreLIFE BEETLES | Workshop – Nature through the Lens – Terceira Island
March 9, 2021A photography workshop took place on the 6th of March 2021, in some of the habitats of native …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA | LIFE IP AZORES NATURA welcomes two new colleagues
March 8, 2021This month, the LIFE IP Azores Natura team of Regional Directorate for Maritime Affairs, is joined by the …
read moreLIFE VIDALIA | Project Actions – E2
March 6, 2021Action E2 is the environmental education programme of the project and is part of the Environmental Awareness chapter …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA | Attempted field work on Vila Islet, Santa Maria
March 5, 2021Within the frame of the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project, the SPEA team travelled to Santa Maria with …
read moreLIFE BEETLES | Volunteering Action
March 4, 2021On the past 3rd of March, the LIFE BEETLES project celebrated World Wildlife Day with the volunteering activity …
March 1, 2021Within the frame of the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project, the propagation of endemic flora has begun on …
read moreAzores Seed Bank: Another step towards a better future
Feb. 26, 2021The Azores Seed Bank, whose main objective is the conservation of endemic and native species of the Archipelago, …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA | Presentation of the São Miguel operational team
Feb. 18, 2021Today we present, once again, a team of LIFE IP Azores Natura operatives, this time in São Miguel …
read moreDeposit system for non-reusable beverage packaging in the Azores
Feb. 4, 2021The project is based on the acquisition of 25 reverse logistics equipment, destined for the deposit of non-reusable …
read moreGovernment of the Azores marks World Wetlands Day
Feb. 2, 2021In 2021, World Wetlands Day highlights the water crisis that threatens people and our planet. The conservation of …
read moreLIFE IP AZORES NATURA | Operacional team in Santa Maria Island
Jan. 26, 2021Because the implementations of the conservation work in the field of the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project is …
read moreTerceira Nature Park - Ecoteca: Let's roll up our sleeves!
Dec. 16, 2020Segundo o estudo “Production, use, and fate of all plastics ever made”, efetuado em 2017 pelas universidades da …
read more