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LIFE IP CLIMAZ contributes to achieving the European Union’s goals for 2030
Oct. 7, 2021
The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change intends to cooperate in the achievement of the goals defined by the 2030 Climate and Energy Framework, of the European Union – EU, with the implementation of a set of strategic measures, namely the increase in the production of electric energy through renewable sources and the expansion of the storage capacity of this energy. It will also be developed a Viability Study for the inclusion of a larger percentage of renewable energies on the electricity distribution network, ensuring fewer errors and more efficiency.
The 2030 Climate and Energy Framework foresees, for Portugal, the reduction of at least 55% of the greenhouse gas emissions in relation to the levels of 1990, the increase of the energetic efficiency in at least 32%, the increase of the portion of renewable energies to 32.5% of the final consumption, and reaching 15% of electric interconnection.
Find out more about this project on LIFE IP Climaz.