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LIFE IP CLIMAZ participates in the Faial Island Nature Park Advisory Board
Jan. 23, 2025
On 26 November, the Faial Island Nature Park Advisory Board held a meeting at which the LIFE IP CLIMAZ project was present. The state of play regarding the interventions carried out on the island was presented and discussed, in particular sub-actions C3.1, C3.3, C5.3 and C11.2.
During the meeting, the progress of the various actions was highlighted. With regard to sub-action C3.1 - Extending/expanding the geographical coverage of the public network of electric vehicle chargers, two charging points for electric cars were purchased and will be installed in the municipality of Horta. Also in the context of promoting decarbonisation in transport, and within the scope of sub-actions C3.2 - Decarbonisation of the regular operation of nature protection services and C3.3 - Decarbonisation of transport on the island of Faial, an electric van is to be purchased for Faial Environment and Climate Action Service, as well as an electric minibus for Horta City Council (at the beginning of 2025), to promote the decarbonisation of public transport in the Region.
With regard to sub-action C11.2 - Increasing the coverage and improving the accuracy of climate and water monitoring by the Regional Government, groundwater analyses were carried out at six sampling points in September. This initiative resulted from a contract signed in October 2023 with the INOVA/UAC consortium.
As for sub-action C5.3 - Demonstration project for ecosystem-based solutions to adapt to extreme climate events, work has begun on mitigating and controlling invasive alien species in the Flamengos Stream. This work included cleaning and clearing the riverbeds and planting native flora suitably adapted and strategically located along the banks in order to respond to the risks previously identified in the Flood Risk Management Plan for the Autonomous Region of the Azores (PGRIA).
At the same time, the LIFE IP CLIMAZ project also invested in acquiring various equipment to train the island's environmental services.
Participation in these meetings aims to maintain and expand the involvement of regional stakeholders in LIFE IP CLIMAZ activities, promoting active and continuous participation.
Find out more about this project coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Action at: www.lifeipclimaz.com