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LIFE IP AZORES NATURA continues monitoring of seabirds and carries out the first plantings on the Praia Islet, Graciosa

LIFE IP AZORES NATURA continues monitoring of seabirds and carries out the first plantings on the Praia Islet, Graciosa

May 22, 2023

In the framework of actions C6.1 “Restoration of habitats for seabirds on the islets” and D5.1 “Monitoring of terrestrial habitats, species and conservation problems” of the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project, the monitoring of seabirds' nests on the Praia Islet was carried out on 26 April. Of the 268 artificial nests monitored by the Park Rangers team from the Graciosa Environment and Climate Change Service, 4.5 % (12 nests) were occupied by Monteiro's Storm-petrel (Hydrobates monteiroi) and 5.2 % (14 nests) by Barolo Shearwater (Puffinus lherminieri). Nine broods and one adult Barolo Shearwater were ringed, and were recorded 15 recaptures of Storm-petrels and one recapture of a Barolo Shearwater.

Besides the monitoring work, the first planting was also carried out on the Praia Islet, with 223 individuals of Sea Fennel (Crithmum maritimum) and 42 individuals of Azorean Coastal Forget-me-not (Myosotis maritima), which were propagated in the Faial Botanic Garden, from seeds collected by Park Rangers on the island of Graciosa. The first plantations have also been carried out on Graciosa, within the scope of action C3.2 “In-situ Conservation”: 180 individuals of Azorean Bellflower (Azorina vidalii) at Ponta da Restinga and 50 individuals of this species at Baia dos Homiziados. The plants were marked with individual identifiers to monitor the success of the planting over time, using plant survival and growth as targets.

Learn more about this project, coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, at

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