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New developments of Corvo Pilot Action Program
June 28, 2023
Under the scope of Action C11 - "Support to the design of a pilot action program for the prevention of introduction, early detection and rapid control of invasive alien species in Corvo", the specialists in invasive plants, Hélia Marchante (Coimbra School of Agriculture) and Elizabete Marchante (University of Coimbra), had the opportunity to accompany the technical and operational team of Corvo Environment and Climate Change Service, to analyze the best solutions to control the invasive Plecostachys serpyllifolia. The increase of this species distribution was recently reported, with Corvo’s farmers alerting us and offering to join the control work in the most affected plots.
Following this intervention, a discussion session was promoted with farmers and other territory managers, in which other species susceptible to eradicate were identified, as well as invasive species with risk of possible introduction.
During the field work it was also provided an update of the data on invasive species existing on the island. This update allowed referencing some more species for which it is important to collect more information.
The data obtained and collaborations established will now be integrated in the Action and Communication Plan proposal for the prevention of introduction, early warning and rapid response to invasive alien species in Corvo, which will be the first island to be provided with this instrument in the Autonomous Region of the Azores.
Learn more about this project, coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, at www.lifeazoresnatura.eu.