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“Açores na Rota da Energia” on all islands of the Region
Jan. 13, 2023
The information and training sessions on energy entitled “Açores na Rota da Energia” (Azores on the Energy Route) will cover all the islands of the Region, with sessions taking place still during January on Terceira and Graciosa.
It is an initiative of the Regional Secretariat for the Tourism, Mobility and Infrastructures, through the Regional Directorate for Energy, promoted in collaboration with ADENE – Agência para a Energia, following a protocol already signed between the mentioned entities.
These sessions are aimed at citizens, schools, public administration and companies.
In the case of schools, the main objective is to make middle school students aware of the issue of climate change and the importance of energy in this field, raising awareness of the importance of individual commitment to energy saving through behavioural changes in their day-by-day, aiming namely at saving energy.
In the remaining cases, the training aims to promote the deepening of knowledge in terms of efficiency and energy savings and address the importance of reading and interpreting the electricity bill and the new energy label. Incentive systems available in the Azores are also addressed to promote the use of renewable energy sources to obtain savings and reduce the energy bill.
In general, the aim is to involve the Azoreans, making them aware of sustainability through energy, an important step towards promoting a society based on a low-carbon economy.
“Açores na Rota da Energia” will reach all islands by the end of 2024, with sessions already taking place on São Miguel and Santa Maria.
These training and awareness actions are also part of the LIFE IP CLIMAZ European project, which aims to help the Region achieve its objectives in terms of efficiency, savings and mitigation of the effects of climate change.