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Aug. 27, 2024
The Regional Council for the Environment and Sustainable Development (CRADS) is an advisory body of the regional administration in which various government bodies and non-governmental environmental organisations participate.
At this meeting, organised by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Action and held in July on the island of Terceira, the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project was invited to present the progress of the conservation work carried out to date, as well as the main challenges faced in implementing the project, which also included training activities, removing invasive alien species, collecting seeds, planting native species, environmental education activities, volunteering and managing complementary funds.
The various administrative bodies and organisations at the meeting had the opportunity to discuss and advise on the conservation actions being carried out on the nine Azorean islands by the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project.
This board is part of the project's Action F4 – Advisory Board, which involves meetings with environmental stakeholders to find solutions, discuss problems, and assess the project's progress during its implementation.