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Applications for the "Espírito Verde" Awards are open!

Applications for the "Espírito Verde" Awards are open!

Oct. 4, 2022

The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change informs that applications for the "Espírito Verde" Awards are open again and will run throughout the month of October.

The "Espírito Verde" Awards distinguishes companies, institutions and personalities that are committed to the environment, not only for their good environmental practices but also for their role in research, volunteer work and patronage, thus promoting active citizenship in the protection and enhancement of the natural heritage of the Azores.

Natural or legal persons with residence, head office or activity in the Autonomous Region of the Azores and whose action, project, product or service falls into one or more of the following categories may apply for this Award: "Natural Resources and Environmental Quality", "Research and Development", "Circular, Green and Blue Economy", "Education, Communication and Voluntary Work" and "Personality or Institution".

Applications are free and should be made through the digital form available at:

For any clarification or questions please contact the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change by phone at 292 207 300.

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