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LIFE IP CLIMAZ participates in the Island Nature Park Advisory Boards of Graciosa, São Jorge and Terceira
Jan. 29, 2025
Throughout December, the LIFE IP CLIMAZ project took part in meetings of the Island Nature Park Advisory Boards of Graciosa, São Jorge and Terceira to discuss the state of implementation of the project's actions, namely sub-actions C9.1, C5.3 and C3.1.
At the Graciosa Island Advisory Board, the presentation began with sub-action C9.1 - Incentives for replacing water heating equipment, highlighting the allocation and installation of 209 electric water heaters, as well as an awareness-raising campaign on the efficient use of the equipment to maximise savings on the energy bill of the beneficiary families.
As for the São Jorge Island Advisory Board, concerning sub-action C3.1 - Extending/expanding the geographical coverage of the public network of electric vehicle chargers, the installation of a charging point in the municipality of Calheta, connected to the network of the Electric Mobility Management Entity - EGME (MOBI.E), was highlighted. Work was also presented on sub-action C5.3 - Demonstration Project for Nature-Based Solutions for Adaptation to Extreme Climate Events, with the elimination and clearing of invasive flora and work to stabilise the banks of streams.
Concerning the Terceira Island Advisory Board, the progress of the work also carried out under sub-action C5.3 was presented, namely the cleaning and removal of invasive flora on the banks of the Santo Antão Stream, for the subsequent planting of around 200 endemic species, including Azorean Picconia (Picconia azorica), Azorean Laurel (Laurus azorica), Azorean Heather (Erica azorica) and Azorean Viburnum (Viburnum tresalei), to rehabilitate the riparian gallery of this stream. Also within the scope of this action, two internal training sessions were held on Terceira island, namely on Natural Engineering and Chainsaw Operation on Slopes.
Participation in these meetings aims to maintain and expand the involvement of regional stakeholders in LIFE IP CLIMAZ activities, promoting active and continuous participation.
Find out more about this project coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Action at: www.lifeipclimaz.com