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LIFE IP AZORES NATURA | OP 5 – The 5 biggest terrestrial Special Areas for Conservation (SACs) in the Azores
March 29, 2021
The Natura 2000 Network is a coherent ecological network, whose objective is the conservation of the biological and ecological diversity of the State Members of the European Community, considering the economic, social and cultural requirements of the different regions.
The Azorean Natura 2000 Network is made up of 15 Special Protection Areas (SPAs), which are intended to protect endangered birds and their habitats; 24 Special Areas for Conservation (SACs) designed to ensure biodiversity by protecting habitats of threatened species; and by 2 Sites of Community Importance (SIC). All these areas form the Natura 200 Network.
Find more about our project in: https://www.lifeazoresnatura.eu/en/
Photo: PHSilva // siaram.gov.pt