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Governo Regional dos Açores associa-se à comemoração do Dia Mundial da Água

Governo Regional dos Açores associa-se à comemoração do Dia Mundial da Água

March 22, 2022

Today is World Water Day under the theme "Groundwater - making the invisible visible". This day was established in 1993 in the United Nations Conference on Development and Environment.

For the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, Alonso Miguel, "it is essential to promote and implement the sustainable, balanced and equitable use of water".

"Actually, water quality is one of the key issues in water resources management in the region and one of the great strategic priorities of the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change," he said.

Alonso Miguel announced that the review processes of the Regional Water Programme and the Management Plan for the Azores Hydrographic Region have been concluded. The Plan for Managing Droughts and Water Scarcity is also being developed, fulfilling one of the measures defined in the Regional Programme for Climate Change.

The Regional Secretary for Environment and Climate Change also announced the creation of a new Support Programme for Water Treatment for Human Consumption through the Azores Water and Waste Services Regulatory Authority, which will have a global value of 400 thousand euros, only for this legislature".

This year, the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change has also decided to increase by 50% the values of contribution within the Support Programme for the Evaluation of Water Balance and Control of Water Losses. This programme aims to contribute to the reinforcement of the performance of managing entities in terms of service quality indicators, namely regarding water entering the system, water supplied for distribution and water losses.

On the other hand, between 2022 and 2023, the Regional Government department with competence in environmental matters will develop a project, within the scope of REACT-EU, to Improve the Knowledge of the Location and Conservation Status of Organic Soils and Peatbogs, which represents an investment of 2.2 million euros and will enable the recovery and restoration of peatbogs and organic soils. It will also make a significant contribution to increasing the region's capacity for carbon sequestration from the atmosphere.

Considering that "over the years there has been a very positive evolution regarding the valuation of water resources and a greater concern and environmental awareness among the population, especially the younger ones", Alonso Miguel also mentioned that the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change will promote a regional activity, with a visit, next Saturday, March 26th, to creeks in all the islands.

Photo: MM

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