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Seed propagation in the Faial Botanic Garden
Feb. 4, 2025
Since the start of the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project, coordinated by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Action under Action C3.2, ‘In-situ conservation’, seeds have been periodically collected from native and endemic species included in the Habitats Directive. The aim is to propagate them in nurseries and reintroduce them into their original habitat, strengthening existing populations and helping to improve the conservation status of threatened species.
This work is in collaboration with the Faial Botanic Garden, where the seeds are germinated and cared for until they reach the ideal size and conditions to be planted in the previously selected locations. After planting, the species are monitored to assess their development and impact on the ecosystem.
Considering the time of year and the needs of the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project, the Faial Botanic Garden sowed the following species:
- 80 Rumex azoricus seeds from Faial;
- 9,000 Calluna vulgaris seeds from Pico;
- 10,000 Festuca francoi seeds from Corvo;
- 1,000 Ammi trifoliatum seeds from Flores;
- 240 Crithmum maritimum seeds from São Jorge.
The individuals germinating from this sowing will be planted in the places of origin mentioned.