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German university participates in action of the LIFE BEETLES
July 4, 2022
The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, through the LIFE BEETLES project’s team, welcomed a group of students of the Karlsruhe University of Education and promoted a field trip and environmental volunteering action to making them aware of and involving them in the conservation works developed in the Region.
The activity consisted in an interpretive visit to the Mistério da Prainha Intervention Area, where were presented the project’s goals, the principal native flora species and how it is made the monitoring work of the insect species and assessed the Index of Biotic Integrity of the habitat concerned.
It was followed by an environmental volunteering action in the Lagoa do Caiado Intervention Area, where the renaturalisation of a former pastureland is in progress.
In total, 280 endemic plants were planted, such as Juniper (Juniperus brevifolia), Azores Blueberry (Vaccinium cylindraceum) and Viburnum treleasei. Previous planting was also maintained, controlling the advance of weeds and replanting canes to support the planting.
The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change thanks all the participants and is committed to promoting active citizenship through its environmental education and awareness programmes inserted in the LIFE projects taking place in the Region.
Find out more: lifebeetlesazores.com/