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Natural regeneration of native forest on Terceira island

Natural regeneration of native forest on Terceira island

June 21, 2022

The Eucaliptal do Algar do Carvão is one of the intervention areas of the LIFE BEETLES project on the island of Terceira, where the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change intends to increase and improve the habitat conditions of the project's target species, the Ground Beetle (Trechus terrabravensis).

This area has shown positive indicators of regeneration of native flora following the project's interventions in cutting down and taking to pieces eucalyptus trees. By removing these exotic trees, the native vegetation had the necessary soil, light and space conditions to begin propagating.

It is already possible to observe the sprouting of new seedlings of endemic species in the space where the eucalyptus trees were removed. There is also considerable development of young trees of species such as Buckthorn (Frangula azorica), Holly (Ilex azorica) and Azorean Laurel (Laurus azorica).

The Regional Secretariat and the Project team welcome the evident success of the conservation actions of the LIFE BEETLES, of which the natural regeneration of this habitat is an example.

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