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Flores Nature Park presents remarkable features, such as the biggest and best-preserved bog woodlands of the North Atlantic and two of the rarest plants in the world, the Myosotis azorica and the Veronica dabneyi. The latter, currently, is only known in a wild state in the Western Group’s islands.
There are 547 species of vascular plants on the island of Flores, of which, between species and subspecies, more than 50 are endemic of the Archipelago.
Regarding its terrestrial fauna, stand out three endemic species of the island: Tarphius floresensis, Agyneta depigmentata and Cheiracanthium floresense.
The Park includes several areas classified in the Natura 2000 network, namely the Costa Sul e Sudoeste Special Protection Area (SPA), the Zona Central - Morro Alto Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and the Costa Nordeste SPA and SAC, and also one Ramsar Site: Planalto Central das Flores (central plateau – Morro Alto).