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Porto das Lajes

Protected Area of Resources Management

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This protected area occupies 153 hectares and covers the surrounding shoreline of Lajes do Pico village, including its port.

The seabed is characterized by a rocky slab with a huge variety of geological formations. The surface relief is variable, showing, in some places, sand deposits. With increasing distance from the coast, rounded boulders with different dimensions and apparently stable appear on the slab. Near the southern tip of Castelete, there is a shoal of reduced depth that reaches 1 metre deep.

In this area, there is a wide variety and richness of fauna habitat and species, from which stand out the Calonectris borealis, Egretta garzetta, Limosa lapponica and the Tursiops truncatus, and flora habitat with species such as Spergularia azorica and Juncus bulbosus.

This protected area is included in the Lajes do Pico Special Area of Conservation (SAC) within the Natura 2000 network.


Natura 2000 network

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