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Canal Faial-Pico/sector Pico (water channel)

Protected Area of Resources Management

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This area has about 6689 hectares and is marked by two islets located on the west coast of Pico in front of Madalena village – the Ilhéu em Pé and the Ilhéu Deitado. 

These islets are the remains of a volcano dismantled by marine abrasion and are elements of great landscape and symbolic value. They are also a refuge and nesting area for seabirds, such as Sterna hirundo, and are surrounded by a relatively regular seabed of sand and rock with a maximum depth of 20 metres between the islets and the island of Pico. 

These funds are home to a rich marine fauna, housing not only resident species but also pelagic species. It is yet a reproduction area for the Balistes capriscus

This area is an important habitat for the fauna species Caretta caretta and Tursiops truncatus and the flora species Azorina vidalii and Spergularia azorica

It includes the Ilhéus da Madalena Special Area of Conservation (SAC) within the Natura 2000 network and is also a priority marine geosite of the Azores UNESCO Global Geopark.


Natura 2000 network

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