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Analyzing the state of ribeira da Praia

Analyzing the state of ribeira da Praia

March 20, 2021 - 10 a.m. | noon

Celebrate World Water Day, walking along the Quatro Fábricas da Luz trail, where you will identify several water courses and assess their state of conservation.

Participants must bring their mask. During the activity is recommended to practice social distancing and respiratory etiquette.

Participation in this activity grants a stamp on the booklet Vigilante da Natureza Júnior dos Açores.

Date: March 20

Schedule: 10h00 - 12h00

Meeting point: Água d'Alto beach parking lot

Length: 2.1 km | Degree of difficulty: low

Deadline for registration: March 19 | Activity limited to 10 participants

Contacts: [email protected] | 296 240 608

Photo: São Miguel Natural Park

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