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From Ponta Ruiva to Cedros

From Ponta Ruiva to Cedros

Sept. 25, 2021 - 10 a.m. | noon

Ally sports with nature and participate with us in this walking trail by the parishes of Ponta Ruiva and Cedros, within the scope of the European Week of Sports (23 to 30 September), and get to know some particularities of the local culture and biodiversity.


Flores | 25 September | 10h00 – 12h00

Meting point: car park at the end of the trail (Cedros)

Extension: 4 km | Difficulty level: Medium

Recommended minimum age: 12 years

Limited registrations until 23 September | [email protected] | 292 542 447

Promotion: Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change

Regional Coordination: Regional Directorate for Sport – Flores Sport Services

Co-organization: Museu das Flores

Partnership: Câmara Municipal de Santa Cruz das Flores

During the activity, you must comply with the proper social distancing and respiratory etiquette.

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